Tuesday 20 October 2015


Good morning again, everyone, and welcome to a dry, chilly, dark October morning - just as it has been for the last week or so!  I gather the weather is due to turn soon and that Autumnal storms may be gathering in the Atlantic, which should make life interesting!  As I always say, we get what we will get and there's not a lot you or I can do about it.

Yesterday was nice.  We started off, Beth and I by going swimming together for the first time in a fortnight.  No, I tell a lie - I started off by discovering that if I wake at half past four I can make four fresh loaves by eight.  So that sorted the biggest problem of the day!

Swimming was lovely although I was late.  As I trundled along in the car, the fuel warning light came on.  Not only did it come on but a warning also flashed on the display thingy.  I've not let the petrol get that low in this car before and didn't know how much fuel I had left so I diverted to the filling station to discover.  It turns out that I still had about 12 litres in the tank, judging by how much I managed to get in, which is around a quarter of the capacity.  Weird!  It certainly wasn't showing as a quarter full.

After swimming I delivered the bread to school and found out what I'm doing first thing today (phonics and maths) before we headed off to the Hare for lunch with Julia, Linda and Carolyn.  A very good time was had by us all too.

Then it was late afternoon, I sat down and - yup, you've guessed it - I fell asleep!  Nice.

And that was yesterday!

Today is my teaching day so there's not really a lot to add.

Maybe your day will be more exciting.  Do you have plans?


  1. I am blooming well covering again today. Staff sickness is making school seem like the Mary Celeste. I'm positive it's due to this 8 week term. We've all had enough. My class were absolute little you know what's yesterday. Well, today, I'm taking NO prisoners!!

  2. Took no prisoners but three little cherubs really pushed my buttons! If I see all butter pastry mince pies in the supermarket tonight, I am BUYING them!

  3. Sometimes only butter pastry mince pies will do. Hoping you found them at three for the price of one.
    J x
