Wednesday 21 October 2015


It's wet out there for the first time in a long while.  I dodged the raindrops to the shed and back again!  I have washing to do . . .  Oh, well . . .

Yesterday, being teaching day, was bound by time but not space!  It all went OK, I love the two hours in year 1 and the Foundation Stagies are just finding their feet!  Afternoon play was cool and sunny.  All nice and satisfying.

Today is swimming (may as well get more wet!), then I have a home to sort out, clothes to wash (and dry inside) and then I'm off to school to do some more assessment stuff followed by helping the parents association to sell Christmas cards at consultation evening.  Then I'm going to a parents' training thing wearing my governor's hat.

That's about it.  How about you?


  1. It's raining hard. Bloody wet play. Gloomy outlook!

  2. I know, although it's not too wet for them to go out round here. We only keep them in if it's pouring!
    Fingers crossed . . .
    J x

  3. Glad you seem to be having the best of both worlds retirement and teaching part-time. Jx

  4. Thanks, Joan. It's going nicely at present. Things have slowed down in some ways but are fuller and more complete in other ways.
    J x
