Wednesday 14 October 2015


Brrrr - it's really chilly this morning.  BBC weather doesn't make it all that cold but I know better!  There was an icy nip when I opened the window, hurriedly closed again, to check.

I've been looking at Autumn poems and this one jumped out.  It's so true when I sit here, look sideways out of the small window at the back and see day breaking.  I drew the curtain last night so can't do it this morning.

A Letter In October - Ted Kooser

Dawn comes later and later now,
and I, who only a month ago
could sit with coffee every morning
watching the light walk down the hill
to the edge of the pond and place
a doe there, shyly drinking,

then see the light step out upon
the water, sowing reflections
to either side—a garden
of trees that grew as if by magic—
now see no more than my face,
mirrored by darkness, pale and odd,

startled by time. While I slept,
night in its thick winter jacket
bridled the doe with a twist
of wet leaves and led her away,
then brought its black horse with harness
that creaked like a cricket, and turned

the water garden under. I woke,
and at the waiting window found
the curtains open to my open face;
beyond me, darkness. And I,
who only wished to keep looking out,
must now keep looking in. 

I survived yesterday but I was wiped out come the evening.  My voice did survive but I'm glad I don't have to use it much today.  As it was chilly in the evening I snuggled under my owly fleece and, true to its magic, fell asleep and slept for over an hour.  I swear Beth must have sprinkled it with magic sleepy sparkles before she gave it to me!
When I woke I staggered upstairs and promptly fell asleep again, hence being wide awake at three this morning.  It's a bit annoying because I shall have a late night tonight but maybe I can sleep early afternoon.  Hoping so, anyway, because I'm still a bit zonked out really.

Today is going to be good.  Well, maybe not at first because I have a home to tidy and clean.  It always amazes me how quickly it can get so messy when just one person lives here.  Anyway, the reason is that I have a friend coming round for dinner and then staying overnight.  Thankfully, the spare room is just about ready and I just need to make the bed up.  Downstairs is another story.

Then I need to make bread and decide on a dinner - just a light dinner because we will have supper later with a good chat.  Decisions, decisions!  Supper is easy - I shall have a selection of cheese with my home made baguette, some chutney and nibbly stuff with fruit on the side and plenty of chilled white stuff to wash it all down.  I was just wondering about some pasta bolognaise or I do have that chicken thing I made last week which was rather good and would be nice with rice or pasta.  Think, think!  Chicken might be better as I don't want it to be too heavy.  What do you think?

I'm feeling quite tired now and, as I don't have to be up early, I think I will see if I can get some more sleep.  See you later!


  1. Good luck with the extra sleep it is exactly what I fancy but I have a full day ahead so no such luck

  2. I didn't manage to drop off but I am sure I will later, especially under the owly fleece!
    J x

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    To continue with the chilled 'white'stuff I vote for chicken! :-)

  4. I agree! It's now out of the freezer and thawing. It's all made, I just have to reheat and cook some pasta and broccoli to go with it. I might add some mushrooms too.
    J x
