Wednesday 7 October 2015


Do you like the change of colour?  I tried an Autumnal theme but the orange and brown just didn't work with the cyclamen photo which was taken on Sunday and is what I can see in my middle raised bed, the flower bed (the others are herb and foliage and vegetable/fruit).  I decided to go for a colder colour because, after all, it is getting colder, isn't it?  Blue has always been my favourite colour and I rather like the effect.

It is a mild morning and seems to be dry too.  It's still quite dark although it is coming up for six-thirty.  Yesterday evening was gloomy too - cloud cover makes such a difference.

I read on a weather page in Facebook that the nights, mornings and evenings are due to turn significantly colder soon.  I really don't mind that as I very much enjoy snuggling under my owl quilt which seems to have the magical power to induce sleep!
Being very selfish here, and knowing that my feelings will make no difference whatsoever in the real world out there, I say 'bring it on'.  Colder suits me fine.

Yesterday was a really lovely day.  The rain came but missed playtimes.  I enjoyed the teaching.  I am getting to know the children in the classes I cover.  All good.

Changing the subject totally, Morrisons had some more of those 'new' cuts of beef so yesterday evening I sampled a Denver steak.  Again, it was really very good.  Tender and tasty.  I googled it, fried it 'black and blue' which I understand means in a hot pan for about six minutes each side, so the outside is very well cooked and the inside is a bit rare.  It was really delicious - and this comes from someone who usually asks for her steaks 'incinerated'!  I now have another Denver steak and also some 'flat iron' steak to devour in the next few weeks!  six steaks for about £9.   Oh, the hardship!

This morning I am doing supply cover.. I start with year 2 (which was my year last year) and then, after playtime, I have the class I taught last year in Y2.  I am teaching music, RE and PSHE.  What more could I ask for, eh?  Then it is home for lunch and a quick tidy up before my visitors arrive.  It is all working out remarkably well really.

Have a good day, whatever the weather!


  1. The new colour scheme looks really good, and the watery effect fits well with the swimming (though I guess you won't be doing much of that this week since you're so busy

    I really liked the Denver and flat iron steaks too - wish I had a more convenient Morrisons!

  2. Sadly no, I won't. I'm now not woking on Friday but I have guests. It's such a hard life!!!
    I never thought of the link with swimming - great idea, thanks. I shall pretend it was mine!

    J x
