Wednesday 2 September 2015


How lovely to wake up to sunshine.  It's beautiful here today.  None too warm but very pleasant all the same.  Hoping it lasts all day.

Yesterday once the rain had stopped, it wasn't too bad - some sun, quite a lot of cloud and threats to rain but I did get some washing dried on the line so that can't be bad.

My friends arrived in the afternoon bearing gifts - runner beans, corn on the cob, courgettes, cucumbers and tomatoes.  Now I need to find the book entitled 1001 things to make with runner beans as my plants are also producing like crazy and so are son's.  Luckily I found a recipe for runner bean chutney so that should account for some!

You would think, wouldn't you, that when one orders a Chinese takeaway for half past six, one wants it delivered at half past six, not half past five?  So would I, which is why I wasn't too pleased when the doorbell rang at five thirty.  I sent it back saying I would welcome a fresh delivery at the correct time.  That worked out fine and they included a bottle of coke as a sort of apology, which I didn't complain about.

When I reviewed the meal, I looked back over previous reviews and saw that three times I have made a comment about a stupidly early delivery.  Fine if one is in a hurry, not fine when a guest is expected and the meal arrives before the guest!  In fact, the meal arrives before the first delivery slot!

The food is always very, very good though!

I wonder what we will do today.  Something nice, I am sure.

Breakfast:  toast and jam, fruit
Lunch:  Don't know yet.
Dinner:  Ham (boiling on the hob as I type!), new pots, runner beans (surprise!!!) and carrots, maybe corn on the cob as a starter.  Then cheese and crackers.  With guests one needs to make a bit of an effort and have more than one course, doesn't one?

Have a good day!


  1. Hope you're having a great time catching up with your friends!

  2. I am, thanks. I'm having a lovey week!
    J x
