Monday 7 September 2015


It is half past six.  I am sitting at the PC, nice and relaxed, no planning scattered around, no feeling of being rushed, no 'must go up and have my bath soon' thoughts.  As the day brightens it is all calmness and light at Diary of a Teacher (must think about changing that name at some point).

As the school gates open this morning I will be on the way to the leisure centre, as the children go in I will be getting into the pool for my hour of pleasant exercise and I should be getting back out again as the children head off for morning assembly.

Then, as they head to the new hall for lunch, I will be heading to the Hare for lunch with Julia and Linda.  We're all retired now and lunch is easier for us all that dinner so we have become Ladies That Lunch!

I will be popping in after school to get some planning for tomorrow but only for a very short time.

< relaxed sigh >

Yesterday was a lovely, warm and sunny day with wall to wall sunshine and even some warmth.  I dried two loads of washing, picked runner beans for a friend and by the evening there was a bowlful of ripe tomatoes to pick.  They are coming fast and furious now and I reckon I have had less than half so far.  If the frost or the blight comes before they are all gone then they will be used for green tomato chutney.  It's win-win.
The runners are also doing their best but, as there's only half as many plants as I originally wanted, there are less beans that I'd planned.  They're doing very well though and I should be picking for several weeks still, weather permitting.

I did manage to get to the pool at 6:30 when it opened and am determined to get there at that time more often as it was really lovely.  Just four or five of us ploughing our way up and back, up and back and it stayed like that for the whole hour.  Gorgeous!

Thanks to my all in one shampoo, conditioner and shower gel, I no longer have to have another shower when I get home, I just have to finish drying and 'straightening' my hair which looks like a bird's nest if I don't.  Much more convenient.

I did some knitting (warm woolly hats for refugees) and then Eddie arrived to carry on with sorting out my new computer stuff.  He managed to get Photoshop sorted on the new laptop so I should no longer have issues with getting photos uploaded.  Then he just did 'clever stuff' while I got on with other 'stuff'!!

Later, a dear friend arrived to pick up some runner beans and some jam and we had a lovely catchup chat before she went on to her daughter's home.

Then, in the evening, I watched rubbish telly, did my ironing (clear basket again - I'm getting used to this one) and had a comparatively early night because I was falling asleep.

And that was the day before the start of the new school year.  Ordinary, normal, calm, gentle and unfussed.
I hope yours was as pleasant.

Breakfast:  yogurt and apple
Lunch:  At the Hare.  Looking at the menu I think I will go for maybe a small soup of the day with bread (very frugal) or a pulled pork wrap!  It's a shame their breakfasts stop at 12 because their sausage sandwich sounds delicious.
Dinner:  Depends what I have at lunch but I've found a recipe for mini-frittatas that you make in a muffin tin and, as I have loads of eggs and veg, I might make some to have with salad.  Any leftovers can be frozen (frittatas, not salad!)


  1. LOL frozen salad!! Your day sounds wondrous - you've worked hard to get here - enjoy it! I'm sat on the sofa with eyes drooping watching Jamie cook lovely things!

  2. :-) I had droopy eye syndrome too but not, I bet, nearly as badly as you!
    J x
