Tuesday 29 September 2015


Yesterday was another gloriously sunny day here and, I hope, where you are too.  I'm loving this Indian summer, even though it means I have to remember to water the tomatoes.  Fingers crossed for today too.

Tuesday is school day and I am looking at the planning and remembering two years ago when I delivered more or less the same lessons in Y1.  Phonics and maths, then off to Foundation Stage.  Woohoo.

We had another lovely swim yesterday although I felt extremely tired afterwards.  I'm trying to push myself a little bit more so spent some time doing front and back crawl which left me breathless after a short distance.  I can't even do a proper length yet so there's room for much improvement there.  It can be a very splashy stroke and I hate getting water up my nose.  Yuck.

Once home I took in the washing and then pootled round to school to get the planning and leave a note.  It's takes a long time but I have realised that the reason I didn't get the call for supply last week is because they contacted me via my mobile which is often flat and lifeless!  It was last week anyway.  I've handed over my landline number and email addy now so hopefully that won't happen again.  And I will try to keep the mobile charged up too.

In the afternoon I set to and got all the ironing done.  Happiness is definitely an empty ironing basket!  While I was doing that I watched the Strictly Come Dancing that I missed on Friday evening so now I am up to date.

Evening telly has improved with the addition of Strictly: It Takes Two.  However, yesterday, the highlight was at the start of University Challenge when the first student was someone I remember very well.  A very bright and quirky lad, I taught him to read and write in Foundation Stage.  It took him about four weeks to go from not reading to reading anything in the book boxes - it was so quick I assumed that he started school as a reader but his parents assured me that no, he couldn't read when he started school.  I can even remember the day phonics clicked for him: it was like turning on a light, saudden and illuminating.
I can't take much credit though - he was quite obviously going to succeed in his own individual way right from the word go.
A shame his team lost though!

Sadly, I'm not sure there's anyone on staff at the moment who was there when he was with us although some of my maternity leave colleagues will remember him well.  Time flies, doesn't it?

I was going to have a couple of friends staying overnight but, sadly, one of them is unwell so they couldn't come.  We exchanged texts though and have decided to have an early Christmas dinner together sometime in the next three months.  That will be fun indeed and I shall start looking around for, or making, little bits and bobs to make it a good-un..

Well, the day is getting lighter and everything has a pink tinge to it.  Red sky in the morning, etc, - hoping the old saying is wrong today.

Breakfast:  Autumn stew and pasta
Lunch:  Ditto (it has to be used up)
Dinner:  Savoury mince with runner beans (last of the beans, sad) and fried tomatoes.
Also:  apples. yogurts

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