Sunday 6 September 2015


Good morning and welcome to a rather chilly Sunday.  It's dark and I am up earlier than I would wish but I do love these dark and quiet times when the rest of the world is still asleep (silly thing to say but that's how it feels) and the hustle and bustle of life is hours away.  When I was working they were a sanity saver at times and, I am told, it is likely to take some time before the habit fades.  On balance that's fine by me!

I love sitting here, blogging and watching for the first glimmers of light as the darkness melts first into shades of grey and then into colours, first muted and subdued and then brighter and brighter.  In a way, I hope I don't really grow out of it.

First of all I must apologise to everyone who left comments in the last week (or so).  I do like to respond to every comment but, with visitors and so on taking up my time and attention, some slipped through the net.  I have gone back through the last two weeks and made sure I have responded to all of you who were kind enough to leave comments.

Yesterday was a very good day.  I went to a Thermomix demo lesson thingy led by the local 'consultant', Leonie, and a friend.  Now and again, Leonie has sent me details of classes she runs and each time I have had to say no thanks, partly because of time and partly because of distance.  This time, however, it was not too far away, out in the Ongar direction and I don't have planning, preparation, evaluations, assessments or marking to catch up on so I paid my dues and put it in the diary.

Leonie's home is out in the sticks, in a little Essex village and, inevitably, I took a wrong turning and got lost - well, not lost exactly, I just didn't know where I was.  Luckily I had my mobile with me - I don't always - and phoned only to find that I was just one turning and about a mile away from my destination.  Annoyingly, I hadn't been able to program it into my sat nav which doesn't seem to allow me to input post codes.  It's the first time I have used it and I must get more used to it.

Anyway, got there just in time and we all trooped into the kitchen to watch a jolly interesting demo/lesson.  I learnt quite a lot of new things, even when she covered bread making.  The theme was 'when East meets West' and they will be sending over the recipes by email.  Watch this space - or rather, watch the recipe blog space!

After the end of the lesson we all went into the dining room and were served a very delicious five course meal.  OK, small courses (thank goodness) but we all ended up stuffed and I, for one, couldn't manage more than a few crackers and cheese later in the day.  So much for the ham, chips and beans I had optimistically planned.  What with the tuition/demo and the meal, the course turned out to be jolly good value.

It's always easier travelling home and I was able to work out where I went wrong.  Just one wrong turning, that's all.  Silly me!

After that I settled to some ironing and managed to clear the load which included several items of bedding which are always a bit of a drag.  Then I picked up the woolly hat knitting and watched Pointless and Strictly.  A quiet end to a lovely day.

Today it's swimming and later Eddie is round to carry on with getting the new computer system set up and running.  No planning, no nervous knot in my stomach, just a rather empty space!  Later on in the week, when it is open, I must join the library.  I now have time to read books again!

Breakfast:  boiled eggs and toasty soldiers (after swimming)
Lunch:  Very little, probably just a cuppa soup and an apple.
Dinner:  got to use up that ham.  Ham, chips, beans.


  1. some of my bubble and squeak would go well with your ham
    I'm so glad you are beginning to enjoy the good bits of being retired. Good luck with the new computer set up and I for one understand the quiet hours which I am now missing but sleep too is a good thing.

  2. So it would, Diane, it would be delicious!
    J x

  3. I watched strictly for the first time in years. I rather enjoyed it - I gave a secret crush on Peter Andre but Tess. Daily. And. The. Way. She. Speaks. Like. Each. Word. Is. A. Separate. Sentence. Really. Bugs. Me!

  4. Aw, I've not really noticed that.
    I love the programme, daft as it is. It's on a par with bake off and Sewing Bee for me. Superficial but very entertaining. They keep me awake of an evening anyway!
    Good luck with school.

    J x
