Tuesday 22 September 2015


Good morning
Yesterday started off fine, weather wise, but by afternoon playtime it was drizzling and that turned into proper rain which made the end of the day miserable but aren't we lucky to have a shelter and a safe refuge?  This morning it's too dark to see properly but everything is dripping so it's obviously been raining a fair bit.

It was a bit of a frustrating day really yesterday.  I pootled into school only to find that the software just wasn't going to play ball for me.  I don't know why, maybe I shall find out today when I am in for my day's work.  At least I was able to pick up the planning.  In the end I gave up and heard some year ones read instead.  That was very nice and at least I was making myself useful.  I got a few comments from random parents along the lines of 'I thought you had retired', mind you!!!

Before then I had a go at making another Lorraine Pascale recipe, this time a sort of glorified soda bread/cheese scone thing.  I have to say it was simple and delicious and I have blogged about it.  Worth a go, for sure although I might add a tad more cheese next time or make sure the cheese is blow-your-head off maturer-than-mature cheddar.

When I got home I set to and made some loaves as my little loaf initiative thing has started.  Typically, because I wanted them to be nice, one stuck in the tin.  Fortunately it came out before I needed to inflict too much damage.  I changed my mind about dinner as I had some veg left over from yesterday including the roasted mixed veg which had created its own sauce.  Instead of a stir fry, I cooked the chicken and then heated up the left over veg before stirring the lot with some cooked pasta and a grated quarter of a mozarella that I had in the fridge.  Still delish!

Today's food:
Breakfast: tomatoes on toast
Lunch:  sarnie with meat paste and tomatoes, yogurt, fruit
Dinner:  tuna burgers, wedgies, tomatoes


  1. Morning! I am so tired! Woke at 2.30am for the wee that's a nightly durance now I'm on my thin quest and tossed and turned till the alarm went off. Tomorrow I am going with 28 of Y6 to London! It's preying on my mind! ( three other staff too I hasten to add! )

  2. Oh, I so know the feeling. It does get better after a while.
    Good luck with the trip - I hope the weather picks up. It's dire here right now.

    Is there any way of chatting to you privately, please?

    J x
