But look what I've got!

Of course, typically, after yesterday's cold, windy and damp day, today was gloriously warm and sunny, just right for swimming in the pool - sadly we were on the road heading home instead.
A good journey, very trouble free all along the M25, through the tunnel and up until the outskirts of Chelmsford when I made a very bad decision.
A good journey, very trouble free all along the M25, through the tunnel and up until the outskirts of Chelmsford when I made a very bad decision.
It's the V Festival this weekend. As a result the inside lane of the A12 was chokka with V traffic so I whizzed past and decided to go in on the next turning, into Galleywood. BIG mistake. Let's just say it took an hour and a half to get from Streele Farm to the A12 exit and another hour to get through Chelmsford, a journey that should have taken 15 mins max. If I'd waited until the next exit, it would have been fine. Doh!!
But, on arrival back at home, I was greeted by S and M, my house sitters for the week, with the joyous news that I had a red tomato with several other nearly ready - see the photo at the top for proof. A titchy baby plum tomato, all of 2cms long. So I picked it, solemnly divided it into three and we all had a taste. And my word, what a superb flavour. I can't wait for the next picking.
It's good to be home.
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