Hay fever time has hit and hit hard. I haven't had much trouble so far this season but yesterday as I got to school it was overwhelming. Thoroughly disgusting until the tablet I took started to work. And today also feels uncomfortable. I reckon I will have to take the tablets regularly for a few weeks now - can't have that happening every day! It's a shame because the last few years I have got away with minimal medication for it. That's life!!
After that little blip, the rest of the day was good. PPA and coordinator time a.m. where I got a lot of stuff done for sports day. In the afternoon we had a geographical field 'trip' - plants in the school environment. This was thoroughly enjoyed by all, although I was extremely glad I had taken that tablet. What a glorious afternoon - warm, sunny and the children were engaged and busy. What more could an infant teacher ask for?
And I'm still revelling in the glow of having finished and handed in those reports!
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