Sunday 26 May 2024

Sunday evening, 26-05-24

Hello, everyone.  
After a very wet start, the sun came out and, apart from a few short showers, today has been another lovely day so I seized the opportunity to more or less finish off the summer veg planting.

So . . .  facing the back of the house and turning left to right . . .

. . . bottom left corner is a small clump of tayberry - it's never done much but it keeps coming up.  It grows one year and fruits on they previous year's growth so - we will see next year

then three tomato plants - honeycomb, sweet millions and Shirley

then two cucumbers

the big round pot is blueberries and there's some green fruit on it

and finally, I have planted some dwarf bean seeds in the last pot - in hopes really.  You never know . . .
Seven tomatoes in a sort of circle, supported by a Heath Robinson sort of cage structure with the strawberries behind.

The tomatoes are two sungolds, a moneymaker, a gardener's delight, an alicante, a nagina and a Rapunzel.
Autumn fruiting raspberries which haven't done very well in the last few years - maybe they need replacing.

To the right and not photoed are a fig (no edible fruit) and the bay.  Both have been close to death and survived.
Along the other side . . .
two reasonably deep pots in which I have sown some runner beans.  Again, fingers crossed and I will put canes in if/when they come up.  I can fasten them to the fence, if that becomes necessary

then two moneymaker tomatoes, the ones Chris gave me yesterday

then two pots with the last of the soil and I intend to sow some salad leaves in stages

then an empty pot that just looks nice there

and finally, in the distance, two tumbling toms, a red and an orange

I've gone for red/orange round tomatoes this year rather than posh heritage ones because that's what I found in the garden centres.

I emptied the ironing basket and do a bit of housework, cooking, etc, but apart from that, it has been a very pleasant, restful kind of day.  I'm so pleased that the garden is more or less in good nick.  There's a bit more weeding to do but that's not urgent.
So I will love you and leave you and get this live.  I hope your day has been as pleasant as nine.  Take care, stay safe and sleep well.  xx


  1. Pleasant but wet mostly. Managed a walk and had to walk very quickly near the end to avoid getting soaked. 10000 steps so pleased. Catriona

    1. That was a good walk - shame about the rain though. I bet you enjoyed the cup of tea/coffee you made when you got in xx

  2. I hope you like tomatoes :)
    It looks like you'll be enjoying a plentiful harvest this year. Xx

    1. I absolutely love tomatoes. It's the joy and delight of my summer to go out first thing, pick tomatoes and cook them for breakfast or turn then into a salad for lunch. My favourite thing, for sure. 😋 xx

  3. I helped Harvey with his outdoor project for me and will definitely be helping with the finishing touches next week. It has rained here many a day so we try and get done what we can between the showers.

    God bless.

    1. Well done. Hopefully, it will cheer up for you soon. xx

  4. It was a hit and miss day yesterday - lovely when the sun shone, otherwise wet. Today looks similar but the washing's out anyway!

  5. Looking forward to lots of lovely edibles later in the year. Wishing you bumper harvests.
