Saturday 25 May 2024

Saturday evening, 25-05-24

Hi, everyone, and it has been another lovely, warm and sunny day today.

After a slow and easy start, I drove out to a couple of garden centres, just to have a look round really, although I came back with a few bits and bobs including a sun hat of the floppy, flowery, 'I love my garden' vibes kind of thing and another tomato plant, a honeycomb (very like sungold).

I am well off for tomatoes because Chris brought a couple of spares around for me to use if I wanted to - as they would otherwise have been discarded, I was very glad to say 'yes, please and thank you'.

After lunch, Beth came for me and we had a lovely time looking at bedroom furniture for her, flooring, etc.
If you remember, last year I said that Beth had some very exciting news but I couldn't say what it was.  Well, now I can because it is going through and things have been signed.
The news is that she is buying her council flat and, even better, she can pay for it outright, she and Alex, as shared owners, using their inheritance from Mum and Dad who would be so, so pleased that their money was used in this way.
She's also able to do it up a bit and she's starting with her bedroom.  

Then she came back here and we sat in the garden room and a good old natter about this, that and the other.

This evening, I have watched Doctor Who and now I'm unwinding before bedtime.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow which is a shame because it is Ride London round here and a number of local roads are closed from six a.m. to half past three.  A good excuse to stay home and do not very much at all.

Anyway, that's tomorrow.  For now, I will wish you good night, sweet dreams and a wonderful day tomorrow.  xx


  1. That is exciting news and gives both Beth and Alex security for the future. It will be lovely to help her do it up too. Catriona

    1. Yes, indeed. I'm so very pleased for her. It is brilliant. She may move on at some point but she's on the housing ladder, as they say. xx

  2. How lovely for them! And not to have a mortgage, even better. I feel for young people these days as affordable housing is in short supply.

    1. It's great. She has taken the long route, so to speak, being in her mid forties, but better late than never. And it's in a good place, within walking distance of the station - a longish walk but very do-able. xx

  3. What exciting news. Congratulations to both Beth and Alex.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Jackie. I'm so very glad for them. xx

  4. Lovely news - doing up a place is full of opportunities.

    1. It really is. She will be able to consider far more options than she could when it was a council property. Exciting. xx

  5. That is fantastic news for Beth and Alex. You must be so pleased for them. Xx

  6. How wonderful for Beth and Alex, and without a mortgage, thanks to your lovely parents. She'll have such fun making the flat their it really is their own. xx

    1. She's certainly enjoying the prospect. xx

  7. That's really great that she won't have a mortgage. We inherited a small house which gave us a good start in married life.

    1. That's great. It seems inheritance us the route for plenty of people. xx

  8. Congratulations to your daughter! Being a property owner is wonderful, and mortgage free even better.

    1. Couldn't be better, could it. Really lovely thing to happen. xx

  9. Lovely news for Beth and Alex . It will be fun to start making plans to do up the flat. Being able to buy it outright with no mortgage must be such a relief.
