Saturday 18 May 2024

Saturday evening, 18-05-24

Evening, all.  How's your day gone today?  It's been really nice and sunny here, despite a damp start.  

I dithered about doing the online SET class but, in the end, I did and was really glad that I did.
Lindsey was doing another pop up shop so I drove over there and had a good nosey round but there wasn't anything I wanted to buy this time.  I gather it has raised around £1,000.
I did some housework, a bit of gardening, some cooking . . . the usual sort of thing.

And I watched Doctor Who - I am really enjoying the new season.  It's different but, I think, good different.
And Sewing Bee starts next week - could life hold more . . .  😊

Have a great evening, everyone, and sleep well.  xx


  1. That's a great total for the pop up shop, and if it's anything like the previous one, that figure will, no doubt, increase.
    It's been a housework kind of a day here, as well, which leaves tomorrow free to do as I please. Xx

    1. Fingers crossed. It's going to two great causes, the money to one and the left over clothes to another. xx

  2. Pop-up shops seem to do well - perhaps it's the novelty and the feeling that things had better be snatched up before the opportunity disappears;-)

    1. Could be. I'm glad it did well again. xx

  3. Great result from pop up shop! Catriona

  4. Rainy and cool here. I really want to be out planting, but that will need to wait for awhile. Good going for Lindsey on the pop up shop.

    God bless.

    1. I did a little bit but I think I need another week of doing a bit every day. And I must get my tomatoes in. xx

  5. I keep watching Dr Who as it's been such a big part of my childhood upwards, but although I do quite like the new actor, I'm finding the new series quite confusing. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be quite as politically correct and 'woke' as the last series. I did think the first episode was a bit silly, and they spent too much time reiterating all about what/who the Doctor was - as if they were introducing a whole new audience to it. Which I suppose they were in a way.

    1. Well, this is it - they are. I love how kind and accepting and inclusive it is. Works for me every time.
      I enjoyed Space Babies - made me laugh and I bet it appealed to children. XX

  6. The sun is finally out here as well and we are all loving the extra warmth.

  7. Not seen the new Dr Who series yet but D and I will give it a look.
