Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday evening, 12-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Phew, wasn't it a scorcher today.  So warm that when I jung out a load of washing, it was dry and ready to come back in half an hour later.  So I managed to get all my washing done, dried, ironed and ready to put away when I go up later in.  That used much of the day but I'm really glad to get it done.
I didn't do much else apart from the usual daily stuff but I'm feeling tired now, all the same.
It was just a normal Sunday, albeit pretty warm.  Normal is good, it really is.

Have you had a good Sunday too?  xx


  1. Normal is awesome.

    God bless.

    1. Normal is great, isn't it? Nice and predictable and quite restful too. I love a normal day. xx

  2. The rain never broke here on Sunday so up by 6 30 am due to the sticky heat. Will need to change to a lighter duvet for tonight. Catriona

    1. You remind me, I haven't changed mine over either. Thanks! That sticky feeling can be very uncomfortable, can't it? xx

  3. It was a lovely weekend but the weather is already changing. I don't really mind - variety is good.

    1. We need both sides of the coin, don't we. It's very pleasant here still in Mid Essex but it will change. The thing is to make the most of it all. xx

  4. Isn't it wonderful, being able to hang out the washing. Xx

    1. It really is - it's so much nicer afterwards too.

  5. It was a proper scorcher yesterday. Unfortunately we were travelling home and stuck in the car for most of the afternoon. My poor garden was desperately in need of a drink when we got home.

    1. Poor you; that doesn't sound at all nice. Poor garden too - I hope you haven't lost anything. xx

  6. It was a lovely day,. we made the most of it with a walk on Fleetwood prom with the dogs, and we were home well before the massive thunderstorm that followed just before teatime.

    1. Dramatic!! Nothing here but I wouldn't be surprised if we got something stormy in the next 24 hours. xx

  7. It has been a lovely sunny weekend here too. Lots more time spent in the garden. I didn't watch Eurovision either. Hope you have been able to catch up with your sleep as the weather looks like it is cooling off again this week. Take care x

    1. It does. I have deferred changing over quilts until I know how cool it is going to get.
      I'm glad your weekend was so lovely. xx
