Wednesday 29 May 2024

Wednesday, 29-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  It's been another lovely, sunny day round here for which I was grateful.
I had an early personal training session today as Lindsey is now at Stansted - she might actually be on the plane as I type.
Then I came home and at ten joined her online for a Groove session to make up for what I missed yesterday.

I did two loads of washing (and drying and ironing), remade my bed with clean sheets and cleaned and swept downstairs.  And I caught up with Sewing Bee too.  Much better for timing this week.
So quite a busy day and I'm tired now.  I expect I will sleep really well.

As I was hanging the clothes out, I noticed some tiny little moths on the thyme flowers so I took photos, did a Google image search and they are mint moths.  They were literally less than a centimetre from side to side, so tiny and, when seen close up, rather pretty, don't you think.
I've never noticed them before, have you?

Well, time to stop so have a great rest of evening, sleep well and sweet dreams.  xx


  1. I can't say I ever really take much notice of moths, but you're right, they're quite attractive. Glad to hear you're feeling better and have had a good and productive day, I hope you sleep well xx

    1. I don't, usually, but I was enjoying the sight of the bees enjoying the thyme flowers and spotted them. I've never noticed them before because they are so small, I guess. Google says they don't do much damage and are an important part of a garden eco-system so I won't worry about the plants. xx

  2. I love mint moths - such pretty little creatures.

    1. They really are. I'm glad I got a good close-up. xx

  3. Wonderful photos of the mint moths.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. It was a lucky point and click close up thing. xx

  4. Super photos of the mint moths-I’ll try and get my planted up tubs onto my FB page today if possible. Catriona

  5. I've never really taken too much notice of moths before, but those look really pretty.
    I hope you managed to enjoy a good night's sleep. Xx

    1. I don't normally. I prefer them outdoors rather than inside but apart from that they are just 'there' - you know. But these were so tiny, I was intrigued. xx
