Wednesday 22 May 2024

Wednesday, 22-05-24

 Good evening, one and all.  It started very wet this morning, dried up later on and the sun came out but now it's raining again and feels a bit cold so the oodie is on and doing its job well.

I enjoyed Sewing Bee although I felt the pattern challenge was a tough starter.  So many buttonholes and so much overstitching!  No-one actually finished but there were some shockingly amateur mistakes.  I know - they are amateurs anyway and would have been nervous as well.
Did anyone else wince when that button hole ripped . . . oh, dear!

However, I can already see some front runners, not that it means much at this stage.  One bad week and it can all change.

Today has been another day where things have just ticked over nicely.  I went to circuits this morning, having missed Monday and I knew the others already so that was very nice.  It was a good class, loads of energy today.

Back home, I did some paperwork and some housework before heading back to Shimmy Studio for my personal training session which was also great.

By the time I got home, it was time to make dinner and now I'm chilling.  So nothing terribly exciting to tell you about really, sorry.  Just nice, ordinary stuff.
Night, everyone, sweet dreams.  xx


  1. Nice ordinary stuff sounds perfect. Enjoy your evening. XXXXX

    1. It makes for pleasant days, doesn't it Just not terribly dramatic blogs! But that's OK, I like reading about ordinary days in others' blogs. xx

  2. Love those irises, they're beautiful xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. They have been so much better this year after a couple of years of not being great. They were also disturbed by the building work so I guess I have learnt something there. xx

  3. Ordinary stuff, is wonderful. Enjoy your down time.

    God bless.

    1. It's all very nice and relaxing . . . no complaints from me. :-) xx

  4. Gorgeous header today, Joy! Your garden is really blooming.

    1. It's giving me a lot of pleasure right now although those weeds . . . they never give up, do they? As soon as the weather clears up, I need to have an afternoon devoted to weeding, I really do. xx

  5. Lovely irises. I do like them, though don't grow them. I think we have a couple we planted aeons ago. It rained here yesterday and this morning looks uncertain, but it's mild.

    1. This lot started off as three. They've had their ups and downs but have done well this year. I planted some minis round the front but they seem to have does a natural death, sadly. xx

  6. I loved the black & white duvet dress, wasn't keen on the T-shirt conversion and I thought the pannelled and buttoned A-line skirt was a really hard starter challenge.

    1. Yes, it was. I quite liked the T shirt conversion although I don't like all the challenges they have through the series. And the skirt really did sort them out a bit. xx

  7. Nice ordinary stuff is good! Catriona

    1. It is - it keeps everything on an even keel. The exciting stuff is good but not all the time. xx

  8. Just nice ordinary stuff sounds perfect. Your header is like a glorious flower version of the Ukrainian flag, the Iris are beautiful

    1. So it is, Sue. I never thought of that. I like the idea. xx

  9. I really enjoyed the Sewing Bee too and agree, that first challenge was TRICKY! Loved the transformations- so clever!

    1. It makes me wonder what else they have in store for those sewers. xx

  10. Replies
    1. Aw, thank you very much. That is lovely. xx
