Friday 24 May 2024

Friday evening, 24-05-24

Evening, all.  And what a lovely day it has been.  Plenty of sunshine, nice and warm this afternoon and this evening - no complaints from me.

As I was exiting my road to get to SW group (I can walk but I take my car because I drive home a friend who has had a knee replacement op), I was surprised by the lack of school traffic until I remembered that it is report writing day today - teachers get the day 'off' and it is an INSET.  Mind you, it isn't a break - I will never forget those reports.  They took absolutely ages, hard to write and just so tiring.  Even if you knew they would be read maybe twice before either being chucked or filed away, you felt the child deserved the best you could offer and they took for ever to write.  
No more school reports - never, ever again.  
That made me so happy.

After SW, I went to Grenville Nurseries (down the delightfully named Cow Watering Lane) and got some baby tomato plants plus a lupin, a couple of cucumbers and some canes.  Oh, and a parsley plant as well.  No Sungolds, sadly, so I then popped over to Longacres where they had Sungolds.  I must have Sungolds, in memory of my lovely dad.

I spent the afternoon getting everything unto the ground/pots.

They looked a bit droopy but at time of typing, they have perked up considerably.  And I may have a few strawberries to pick on Sunday.  Exciting!

I'm shattered now and expect to get an early night.  How has your day been.  Good, I hope.  Sleep well, everyone.  xx


  1. Cow Watering Lane!! How quaint! My sister found some old school reports when she was sorting through some of Mum's things, Mum had kept them all these years, bless her. Have a good restful night, Joy xx

    1. It's lovely, isn't it?
      Mum had kept all her old school reports but she gave us three ours when they were having an almighty sort out. Not that mine were worth keeping!! xx

  2. What an interesting name for that lane.

    God bless.

    1. I love it. On the way over to Mum and Dad's, there was one called Honey Pot Lane. Isn't that gorgeous.,

  3. I have been trying to sort things out to make things easier for my children when I am no longer around and one of the boxes marked sentimental contains all my three children’s school reports from the first infants or juniors to the last. They have given us some food for thought and some amusement. Thankfully all three of them, recently semi-retired outperformed their forecasts! My sorting out may take some time as their are several files and boxes marked “sentimental “.

    1. Ooooh - good luck with that. That's the sort of thing I find so, so hard to declutter. xx

  4. I agree - school reports hung like Damocles' sword towards the end of every term - and the euphemisms we used!

    1. Oh, yes!!! How to say it without saying it!! xx

  5. I still have both my children's reports and my own too. I also have my mum's ones which date back to the early 30's. Having worked in schools I know how long it takes to write those reports - usually a very long time.

    1. A very, very long time. Pity the poor heads too, who have to proof read every one and make a personal comment for each child - at least all the heads I know did. That can't be much fun. xx
