Sunday 5 May 2024

Sunday evening, 05-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Trying to get back into a routine again.

Today was what I would call semi-chilled.  It's been lovely and sunny and quite warm too but it's now feeling a bit chilly and the faithful oodie is back on again!

I popped to Morrisons as I've invited Beth and Alex over tomorrow and needed to get a few things and I forgot to mention that the day before I paid for two of my pending coach trips.  I think I also didn't mention (or did I?) that I have booked to go and see Oliver next January.  Nice.

Because it was so lovely and I had a rapidly filling washing basket, I did a couple of loads that dried really quickly on the line and is not ironed and ready to take up and put away.  That's sorted that for a few days.
So the evening is nice and free and I'll probably have an early night.

Tomorrow is exciting.
It starts with Lindsey's circuit class.
Beth and Alex are over for lunch.
And late afternoon/early evening, my conservatory furniture is being delivered.   That, I think, completes the garden room unless I want to make some bunting or other decorative stuff.

Sleep well, everyone, and have a lovely Bank Holiday Monday.  Fingers crossed for sunshine.  xx


  1. Not much in the way of sunshine here, unfortunately. I even thought about putting the heating on for a little while. Instead, I have decided to get into my pyjamas and enjoy a hot chocolate. Xx

    1. As soon as the sun starts setting, it chills down - there's little warmth in the ground yet, I think. PJs and a hot drink sounds perfect! :-) xx

  2. Think we’ll need the heating on for an hour just shortly. I am currently shortening a pair of M and S Magic jeans (£45) as they are two inches longer than a regular should be!! 37 mile round trip to return them so I put my big girl pants on and got the sewing machine out!! Catriona

    1. The jeans sound rather nice and it won't take long to turn them up, I am sure.
      I'm still turning the heating on for a short while - shouldn't be a thing in May really! xx

  3. Lots of sunshine here but very windy. The next three days are supposed to be very rainy.

    God bless.

    1. That's a shame but maybe you need the rain . . . hopefully, it won't be too bad. xx

  4. How exciting to have furniture delivered for your garden room. You will show us photographs, won't you? No pressure, it's not as though you have anything else to do other than entertain your readers! ;-)

    1. hee hee - yes, of course I will. Maybe not this evening, but there will be photos. xx

  5. How exciting your garden room is almost complete!! Rain here so no washing outside today sadly :-) xxx

    1. Raining here too. Lindsey was hoping to do Circuits in the garden but no. Such a shame but typical!! xx

  6. Sun has come out here which is nice. I walked the dogs early and the lanes were nice and quiet as its bank holiday, normally the school children's mum's are driving rather fast 😏😜😉
    Hope you are enjoying your day
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We have just had five minutes of very hazy sunshine which seems to have looked around, decided not to stay and gone elsewhere. xx
