Thursday 23 May 2024

Thursday evening, 23-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Have you had a good day?
Round here today was a bit more interesting to write about.

First of all, I always like the 23rd because that's the day by Teacher's Pension goes in for the next month and I have a clear idea of finances for the rest of this month as well as what's available next month - OPK, I could work it out but it's easier to wait until the 23rd.
It's a little bit short until the end of this month but when you consider I have paid for three coach jollies, a carpet clean AND my share of our holiday to Center Parcs in October, I really don't feel too bad about it.

I did Lindsey's SET class which was, as usual, really good before Chris came over and we took our coffees into the garden room.  While we were there the sun came out; it wasn't particularly warm but it WAS sunny and bright.

After Chris had gone, Diane turked up and we drove off to Gr Waltham to The Stores for lunch.  We both had a salad bowl and it was delicious.  Then we came back here, had coffee in the garden room (which really earned its space today) and arranged our next get together.

And then I got an unexpected text from Hire-a-Hubby Ray who was in the area so he came here, looked around, asked questions, measured up and will send me a quote for the decorating.
And finally, Jen came round and picked up the key for the SW hall which I have been holding on to this week while she has been away.

And the sun shone all day . . .

They're neither of them perfect but I'll be picking them soon, won't I?  Lovely jubbly!!

Night, everyone.  See you again tomorrow evening.  xx


  1. My pension goes in on the last day of the month which means I have to watch carefully to leave money in for Dads. Pouring here today and much cooler. Catriona

    1. Direct Debits not Dads Catriona

    2. Lol, auto correct can make some strange substitutes. xx

  2. Beautiful Irises in your header photo
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks. They have been lovely this year. xx

  3. We get money on the 15th of the month from our savings, and then the government pensions at the end of the month. Getting things twice really helps me with my budgeting.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed. My state pension comes once every four weeks, my small annuity in the middle of the month (straight into savings) and my Teachers Pension on the 23rd.
      I love the month when I get two state pensions, one right at the beginning and one at the end. Perfectly times for Christmas shopping too. :-) xx

  4. all-in-all it doesn't sound like a bad day!

    1. It was really pleasant. I had a lovely day. xx

  5. Ooooh! Ripening strawberries. Summer is on it's way. Xx

  6. The first year I had really lovely strawberries my then dog ate them!. He came up to me all happy wagging his tail and I could smell them on his breath!

    1. What a pesky dog! I'm not surprised he was happy! I bet you weren't though.

  7. It was a hit and miss day yesterday, but pleasant by evening. What a nice social life you have :-)

    1. I'm a very lucky bunny! I don't care for noisy nights out pubbing or clubbing but I do love a good chat over coffee or lunch. xx

  8. Those strawberries are way ahead of mine. Currently picking lovely fresh cucumbers and there's another one ready. It's all a growing.

    1. . . . whereas I haven't even bought my cucumber plantlets yet. I've just been watching your ladybird video. Cute. xx

  9. Those strawberries will be perfect with a bit more sunshine to ripen them and will taste delicious I'm sure.

    1. Yes, me too. There are more now (Tuesday) but it's raining so they can just stay put. Maybe another small picking tomorrow. xx
