Monday 13 May 2024

Monday evening, 13-05-24

Evening, everyone.
No pretty lights overnight - I did look when I woke for the loo but no luck,  Not to worry.

It's been a nice day, weather wise, although as the day went on, the sunshine became more hazy.   It's still sort of sunny but the sky is not blue, it's a bit murky.
Lindsey did circuits out in her garden and it was really lovely; we're hoping we can have many more before the year starts to close down again.  I was very careful and the back did protest a bit once or twice but Lindsey does encourage us to adapt when needed or ask her for advice, so things never get too intense.  It feels fine now so obviously no more damage done.

Once home, it was breakfast and then housework.  I decided to make the last of the fine weather to do my bedding as well so I can feel the housework fairy patting me on the back!  😇

Then, for me, a biggie.
Sharon (my lovely hairdresser) has been out of circulation for a while.  Her husband has been very unwell and passed away a couple of weeks ago.  While it wasn't a complete surprise, that's hardly the point so she's taken time out.
The problem is that my hair was four plus weeks plus over the usual six weeks before appointments so I asked friend Chris about her hairdresser who works from home and, long story short, she (Hayley) gave me an appointment as a one off.

So, very nervously, I set off to Hayley's home and, about an hour and quarter later, returned home feeling very happy.  Quite apart from the removal of ten weeks' growth - a lot when one has short hair anyway - but she did a really good job and, if Sharon decides not to return to work for a while), I have a safety net, so to speak.
And, just for once, I didn't have to clear up my hair trimmings afterwards.  Bonus!

I took a few flower photos . . . which one should I use as a header banner???

Now it is time to slow down and get ready for bed.  Nice fresh sheets and clean pjs.  What more could a girl ask for?
Sleep well, everyone, and have a great day tomorrow.  xx


  1. It must feel lovely having your hair done. You always say how much you enjoy having it cut regularly. I'm the opposite. I really dislike having my hair messed with. I think it stems from being forced to have it cut very short when I was a child - it really didnt suit me, and many people thought I was a boy!
    It's very sad news about Sharon's husband, and understandable that she's take some time out.
    I think the top photograph would look lovely as a new header. Xx

    1. I really do. It feels so nice afterwards.
      Yes, it is very sad indeed. My heart goes out to her. xx

  2. Ooh, I like both the clematis and the pansies (I've got a pansy tattoo). I love the way the pink colour of the clematis goes so well with the green of the trellis. There's so much pleasure in getting in between freshly laundered sheets isn't there? xx

    1. Pansies are so pretty. I love that they seem to have faces and their old fashioned name is beautiful - heartsease.
      It was bliss, getting into bed last night! :-)

  3. Clematis gets my vote! Duvet swapped, washing all done and hopefully we’ll have a cooler night. Craft class tomorrow and am rushing to finish the prep. As you saw, we have been away for a few days. Catriona

    1. It definitely was cooler and this morning it's very wet. Saves me having to water that garden.
      I hope your time away was fantastic, just what you needed. xx

  4. The clematis is my favorite - how pretty! It's always a little nerve wracking meeting a new hair dresser. I had one very bad haircut after our move in November, but found someone at another shop for my last one. She and I hit it off, she being just a few years younger, so there was a whole lot of chitchat about the 70's! :)

    1. I thought H couldn't be 'bad' because Chris' hair always looks nice but you just never know, do you?
      I'm glad you've found the right one for you. It makes such a difference.

  5. Lovely flowers. So glad you got your hair done. I always feel a bit anxious when I go to someone new. I'm hoping my hairdresser stays put for a while lol

    1. It can be difficult, can't it? This morning I'm thinking maybe it is a bit short but then I almost always think that when Sharon does it - it's the contrast, I think.
      I hope your hairdresser stays put too.

  6. Your clematis is lovely. Ours seem to be behind the curve this year, but I expect they'll catch up. Mizzly and quite cool here this morning.

    1. They have their ups and downs, don't they. Last year it wasn't great but much better again this year. It's a shady spot which seems to suit it well. xx

  7. It's always a bit worrying going to a different hairdresser for the first time or for a one off isn't it. I bet as well as feeling so much neater afterwards, you were very relieved that it all worked out okay.

    1. Yes, I was a bit concerned and the sense of relief was pretty strong. It's nice to have another person to call on, should it be necessary. xx

  8. Glad you got your hair sorted. My hair is short and I can't bear to wait too long for the chop!
    The clematis pic is particularly lovely.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It starts to look shaggy rather quickly. A good cut helps and Sharon is very good but then weeks . . . eeeek. xx

  9. Can't beat lovely fresh clean sheets.

    1. Absolutely, totally. A lovely feeling. xx

  10. I was so sorry to hear about Sharon's husband passing away. It doesn't make a difference whether expected or not , it is still a hard blow to lose someone you love. My thoughts are with her and her family. Hope she takes things one step at a time.
    Glad you were still able to get your hair cut and are pleased with the result.
