Monday 20 May 2024

Monday evening, 20-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Another gloriously sunny day and I really hope it has spread to you today.  It's been wall to wall sunshine and so delightfully warm too.

Well, I now have a lovely clean carpet running pretty much right through the house.  It wasn't without its drawbacks beforehand though.

I had just arrived at Lindsey's house and, like the others, waiting in my car until she had finished a short online thingy she does for the council each Monday.  I decided to check my phone and there was a message from the company telling me that Simon would be with me in seventeen minutes (fifteen by the time I got the message).
So I started the engine and drove home again, changed and waited.  Their tracker said he was here but he wasn't.  So I fired off a message and got a reply that they had goofed up (not quite their words but that's what it means) and he would be with me at ten fifteen.
Well, by that time there was absolutely no point in going back to Lindsey's again so I replied that he could come asap, given that I had missed the class and was home.
Bless him, he was very apologetic - he hadn't been told ten fifteen, or so he said.

There were two of them so they made quick work of it and the first thing Simon said was 'You didn't need to move the furniture . . .)  Aaarrgghh!  Never mind, it did make me have a really good clear up and now everything is doubly clean.  I just need to do the dusting and polishing and that's the housework done.
I think some of the things I took upstairs will stay upstairs for now.  It all looks so very nice and uncluttered in the living room.  Much easier to clean too.

And Lindsey can fit me into the Wednesday circuits class.  Cheers!

I celebrated by putting another load of washing in and then popping out to do a bit of retail whotsit.

The main thing I wanted was a bag in Dunelm that I saw yesterday.  I got it because I am putting together a 'One Day Jolly' bag with things like a few poly bags, spare socks, loo roll, a compartment for shoes, water, bit of cash, that sort of thing - something that I can keep stocked so I don't have a fuss the day before a day out.
Any ideas as to what could go into it, all you clever and practical people?

This is it.  It's nice and roomy and semi waterproof inside - and not too heavy.
Obviously, it's not very robust but it doesn't need to be.

Having said the above, the  next trip is to the RAH for Swan Lake so I won't really need it.  Never mind.

I did another load of washing which dried quickly and is now all done and ironed and I got everything back into the right place one the carpet felt dry again.  I think the 'cleaning product' smell has now gone so we're all back to normal.

And, finally, Hire-A-Hubby Ray got back to me.  He's going to pop round at some point to look at what I want doing and quote for it.
It's all go, isn't it?

And look what I noticed this evening when I was putting the rotary line away.  Woo hoo!

Right, well, I am going to recline and relax now.  My back's aching a bit but not in an 'oh, dear, what have I done' sort of way, just in a 'time to sit down' way.  So I will.
Sleep well, everyone, and sweet dreams.


  1. Nice bag.....maybe a spare pair of sunglasses? A pac-a-mac? A book or magazine to flick through whilst you're having coffee or lunch? Your strawberries are more advanced than ours, ours are tiny at the mo. Glad you got your carpets done, shame they didn't tell you beforehand about not needing to move the furniture! (I wonder how they clean all of the carpet though if the furniture isn't moved, or did they mean that they move it for you?). xx

    1. Yes, they meant the latter. I will know next time.
      Thanks for the ideas. I knew you people would have great suggestions. xx

  2. I dread having to move furniture nowadays as my back protests loudly-I used to haul furniture around without a thought! I’m just about to have a bath and retire to bed to read my book. Catriona

    1. It's fine this morning, thankfully. Just telling me to rest, I guess.

      I love falling asleep over a book. xx

  3. Perhaps a granola bar or two (some type of snack) would be lovely to have in that bag. Yum, strawberries!!!

    God bless.

  4. Ripening strawberries - how lovely. Ours are nowhere near that stage.

    1. To be fair, i is just one. As the saying goes, there's always one! ;-) xx

  5. Hand wipes? Mini hand cream? I think having that lovely bag on standby for a day out is a genius idea.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Wipes - of course, thanks, great idea. I like the hand cream idea too. Not a necessity but such a nice thing to have available. xx

  6. So glad the carpet cleaners showed up. It must be nice to have it all clean.
    I like that bag. Definitely some sort of hand wipes, maybe some lip balm, suntan lotion.

    1. Thank you very much - on the list.
      Yes, it is nice, I'm so glad I had it done. xx

  7. I like your jolly bag :) A small umbrella, perhaps? Xx

  8. I'm a bit late commenting on this Joy but you seem to have had lots of ideas for your bag. A very useful bag to have ready for a day out.
