Wednesday 15 May 2024

Wednesday evening, 15-5-24

Hi, everyone, good evening.  The day started out dull and damp and finished off warm and sunny and very cheering indeed.  Lovely!

It was another busy-ish day.
I sorted out most of upstairs and looked ruefully into the dumpi  - er, I mean smallest bedroom.  I need to tackle it very soon, it's an absolute disgrace.  I must Make a Plan!

Then I went online.  I've been intending to get the main carpet properly cleaned.  It's really grubby in places.  All of the bottom floor except the kitchen and the loo has this carpet which also goes up the stairs and along the (small) landing and, honestly, it's a proper disgrace.
So I went online, did some trawling around, discussed needs and possibilities with a few places and have a company booked to come and do the deed next Monday which is a great relief.  I know it will never look brand new again and there's no way I can justify replacing, nor is it necessary, it so a good old clean should work wonders.  At least I will know it is clean . . . whatever it looks like.

I also discussed some dates for school visits online.

I had an early (for me) lunch because personal training was earlier than usual.  As always - most enjoyable, hard work, and now I'm feeling healthily tired.
It was earlier because at the usual time I was due online for some training.  Quite heavy stuff based around the Governing Body's responsibilities in suspensions and permanent exclusions.    By the time that was done, it was time to make dinner and now I'm typing this!

I feel it has been a day where I achieved a lot one way and another.  I also know I'm going to sleep well and it won't be that long before I disappear upstairs - a couple of hours should do it.
Has your day been a satisfying one?
Goodnight, everyone, and sleep well.  xx


  1. My day started at 6 30 am because it was light and I was too hot. Two Teams meetings, lots of laundry and a little bit of crafting. Two meetings cancelled tomorrow so day to myself. Catriona

    1. It felt quite chilly here and I was glad the winter duvet is still on my bed.
      Two meetings - that is heavy going. Nice that you have a free day tomorrow though.

  2. You accomplished a lot today, that is always satisfying. Hope you sleep well tonight!

    1. Thanks, Chris, I did. It was a pleasant day. xx

  3. It was a good day here, though nothing out of the ordinary. The forecast for today is not promising, so I mustn't leave the washing out!

    1. It's not been good here either - drizzle on and off with just a bit of sunshine now and again. xx

  4. A new carpet is on our radar and we'll be booking a measuring visit from a local carpet firm in the next few weeks

    1. Very exciting. WHich room is it for, I wonder. ;-) xx

  5. Like you say cleaning carpets is never a bad thing even if only you notice.
    We still have some winter quilts on beds but I am thinking it's time to change over soon, I was too hot last night. We've had a nice couple of fine days but it's back to changeable again which is frustrating when I want to get mattress protectors washed and line dried, a bit of consistency in the weather would be nice .
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'm not feeling hot at night yet, just cosy and comfortable. The time will come, I am sure. I agree, all those things to wash and down comes the rain! xx
