Thursday 30 May 2024

Thursday, 30-05-24

Evening, all.  It's been a funny old day, weather-wise today.  A bit of sun, a lot of cloud, some rain and I swear I saw a flash of lightning this afternoon.  And it has felt quite chilly too.  Not the sort of weather one wants when it's nearly June. 

Never mind, it's been a pleasant and restful day today - I'm still feeling just a bit weary so it's been perfect really.
I had a really nice chat with Chris this morning.  She and Steve are off tomorrow to a sort of Technology Camp - literally a camp, tents and all.  Well, Steve is.  Chris is staying in a little cottage and taking her book and her crafting with her.  Now that's what I call sensible.

I did another load of washing and even got the line set up but when the wash was done the sun had gone and it looked decidedly threatening so it's on the rack to dry overnight.  

That, reading the gas meter and a bit of cleaning, etc, and that's today done and dusted.  I had a few sinus twinges but they've disappeared again so I think things are definitely looking up.  Another good sleep like last night's and I will be right as rain again.

It's looking quite bleak outside as I type this at around seven fifteen.  There's quite a gusty wind and the clouds are low.  I will be closing the bedroom window when I go to bed - I tend to keep it on tilt through the summer but I want to be warm!

You stay warm too, sleep well and have a great day tomorrow.  xx  


  1. It's been a bright and pleasant day here. Quite breezy, but I was grateful that my washing got dried.
    It sounds like Chris is being very wise :)

    1. Definitely. Even more this morning -it's cold and blustery and I don't envy Steve and friends one little bit. Chris, on the other hand - a long weekend away with books, TV, crafts and a town to explore. Nice. xx

  2. Mixed weather here today but some garden time later in the afternoon. Catriona

  3. Rain here, and even a bit of hail today. This weather is supposedly sticking around for the rest of the week.

    God bless.

    1. No hail here, I don't think) but it does feel quite cold. Nowhere near freezing but chilly for the time of year. xx

  4. That header photograph is glorious ... no other word for it!! It's strange today, the sun is out but unless you are directly in her line of sight it's bloody chilly. Still it's getting my washing dry so I'm not really complaining.

    1. Thank you so much, Sue. It has been wonderful this year after a very ropey flowering last year. It's perhaps where it now is - it gets some sun on the fence first thing and then it's in shade for the rest of the day - the roots are always in the shade.
      It hides the messier corner and brightens up a shady spot.
