Friday 17 May 2024

Friday evening, 17-05-24

Good evening, one and all.  
Today we seem to be back with the pleasant, warm, sunny weather.  It's been lovely all day, the perfect day for a drive out to a country pub and a really nice lunch.

So - the day started with Slimming World as it always does on Friday.  Jen is away on holiday so Jenny, who took the group yesterday evening, brought the hall keys round to me yesterday evening and I gave them to Cara who took today's group this morning.  I now have them again to give back to Jen when she comes home from holiday.
Cara was lovely - it can't be easy covering someone else's group but she was really good.

Then I came home and did a few chores before my friend picked me up for lunch.  We went to a little pub restaurant the other side of Danbury called the Hurdlemakers' Arms;  I've never heard of the place before but it was absolutely delightful and lovely grub.  I brought some of it home and finished it off for dinner so it was a very easy day, food-wise.
Definitely, I must go there again and take some photos.

And that was that really - it was past four when my friend dropped me off and I just sat and read, knitted and watched telly.  A nice day out of the usual stuff.

I really MUST do some gardening tomorrow.  Fingers crossed it isn't wet.

Has your day been good too?
Night, everyone.  Sweet dreams.


  1. It has been a very good day here. I have managed to get a few projects done and best of all my loom arrived.

    God bless.

    1. Fantastic. That's so exciting . . . xx

  2. Replies
    1. It was lovely. Hoping yours was too. xx

  3. That’s a blast from the past- my husband lived just around the corner from the Hurdlemakers in WM before we got married in 1978! Nicky from North Norfolk

    1. Oh, how lovely. It is beautiful round there. Small world! xx

  4. Glad your lunch was good and you had some left for dinner. Better weather is holding here although the weeds are rampant after all the rain. Catriona

    1. They really are - a right nuisance, isn't it? xx

  5. A lovely day. Mine was busy - it involved a school trip! X

    1. Ah - yes, busy! Well do I remember school trips. Hope it went well. xx

  6. It is always nice to find somewhere new that serves good food and gives great service. Glad you enjoyed your meal.

    1. It really is, yes. I'll be going there again at some point, maybe with Diane. xx
