Sunday 18 December 2022

Sunday: Blogmas day 18

Edit:  Just realised I posted this in my other blog - ooops.  It was a mistake to try and do it quickly while my guest got ready.  Really sorry, everyone.  Here it is, in the right place this time.  :-)

 Morning, everyone, and thank you for your comments wishing me a good day with my friend.  We have had a lovely time, talking nineteen to the dozen, catching up, discussing things, enjoying a Christmas dinner together and generally knowing yet again that just because you don't physically see someone for ages, the friendship still endures.

Annoyingly, it was Famous Last Words yesterday morning regarding the condensate pipe.  Not long after I wrote that, I went into the kitchen and, lo and behold, there was that flashing red light.  I got dressed, did the kettle thing and got it sorted although I did happen again mid morning.  I'm not surprised - it was incredibly cold (for round here) down to minus eleven according to my thermometer.   It's very much milder this morning, only half a degree below freezing.  It's a bit cloudy and is set to rise pretty rapidly through the day to comfortably above freezing.
There's a very pretty sky too - lovely and pink and, for once, the camera seems to have caught it nicely.

While waiting for Sonja to arrive, I got busy in the kitchen and made some gingerbread biscuits (and then ate far too many of them - ooops) and some more of Delia's veg not-sausage rolls only this time I use a little 'pasty press' thingy I have as the filling does fall out of a conventional sausage roll shape.  They look nice so here's hoping they work.  They're in the freezer now and I will need to test run one at some point.

Today, Sonja leaves this morning and this afternoon I don my Santa hat to get the girls' gifts around to them.  I'm just hoping the warmer temperatures mean that I can get into my garage - I need some little bottles to decant the plum gin into and the lock was frozen when I tried yesterday - grrrr.  

Also there's some washing, including the bedding and I need to finish my big shopping list because I want to do it early tomorrow morning.  So that's enough to keep me out of trouble.

For today's Christmas music, I have chosen a couple of shepherd themed pieces.

The first is The Shepherds' Farewell from L'enfance du Christ by Hector Berlioz (he f that great opera, 'Carmen', fame), sung by Kings' College.

. . . while the other is the Shepherd's Pipe Carol by John Rutter, again such by Kings' College Choir.


  1. Beautiful sky Joy, what a wonderful way to start the day.
    Suze x

    1. It was very pretty, Suze. Now it is increasingly cloudy and the bitter cold has gone, the snow is no longer crunchy ands the thaw must has begun. I'm relieved about that! xx

  2. The big freeze is affecting everything isn't it, hope you can get in the garage. That sky is gorgeous, you captured it very well.

    1. I did, thanks. No problems. It really was just frozen up, rather than broken. Phew. xx

  3. Have you always had that problem with the condensate pipe freezing or is this something that's only started happening in the last few years? It sounds like a nuisance anyway.

    I think you've had it colder over where you are if it's been enough to freeze the garage lock. We have rain today with more promised every day this week and the temperature is creeping up a bit, thankfully.

    Hope you have a lovely day today. I'm impressed you are planning exercises on a Sunday ... it's my rest day! xx

    1. It's happened in two very cold spells, that's all. The last time was the beast from the east - I can't remember when it has been as cold as those two times in all the time I've been living here. I'll have a word with Matt about insulation.

      It has been down to almost minus 12 a few times this last week. Very, very cold indeed.

  4. What a lovely sky. I am glad you had fun with your friend and I hope you enjoyed your Santa hat.

    God bless.

    1. LOL - in the end, I changed it so I am playing Santa this morning instead. It was a lovely day, thanks. xx
