Monday 26 December 2022

Monday: Boxing Day edited

 Good morning, everyone.  I was so tired yesterday evening but woke at two and couldn't get back to sleep so here I am, good and early, writing this.  I'll go back to bed soon and see if I can manage a few more hours.

Going back to Christmas Eve, the wine saga finally finished with the delivery mid afternoon.  It took ages to show as out for delivery and I had given up but it flashed up just before the 'cut off ' time for a refund.
Just the one box, thank goodness.  I'm now swimming in the stuff although my shed will look a lot less alcoholic once I give out the late gifts!

Some of you will have seen Beth's poetic feline efforts on Peter's group (Facebook).  I asked her and she said I could post them in here so it's two posts for the price of one today.  

I very much hope yesterday was lovely for you.  I enjoyed myself with Beth and Alex.  Today, two of Beth's friends are round for lunch which will be great.  Beth's doing some of the meal but basically it is leftover turkey, a vegetarian savoury crumble and veg.  Nothing too hard.
I don't think anyone will be staying too long and then I think I have the evening to myself.

Thank you for your lovely Christmas messages yesterday.

I'm off to bed again now and will do the 'poems' later on.  xx

Later on!
I got back to sleep, now it is nearly half past six and I feel loads b righter, thankfully.
Really, I have a couple more things to add.
One is that is that my Twelve Days of Christmas gifts start.  Today's is the only one that needs to be opened on a specific day - the others are in a bag for lucky dip.

You can see why.
The twelve smells of Christmas!

The other is that although the Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar is now finished (and it has been brilliant this year), the word finding game carries on with one new word a day.  I wonder for how long that will continue.

Right - coffee calleth and I have to get going in the kitchen, I think.  Have a lovely Boxing Day - do you have any exciting plans for today.  xx


  1. Morning Joy, happy Boxing Day to you xx Sounds like a good day. I’m laid quiet in the dark thinking about getting up to let the dogs out!

    1. Sometimes, thinking about it takes forever, doesn't it? I think it will be a lovely day and I have plenty of recordings to watch this evening - spoilt for choice!

  2. Morning. So glad you had a great day yesterday with Beth and Alex. My son, daughter and partner came for lunch and stayed into early evening. It was so nice to have them here, I really enjoyed having them.
    My plans for today? Well when I finally drag myself out of bed I shall start to pack my case as tomorrow my daughter and I are heading down to the south-west for a few days. We are staying with my sister who has her daughter home from Australia for the festive season. More fun and cheer!
    Enjoy your Boxing Day everyone.
    Suze x

    1. That sounds absolutely lovely. I hope the journey went well and you are having a fantastic time. xx

  3. I'm glad you had a great day yesterday (and the poems are brilliant), we had a good day. Just a quiet one with Mum, us and my brother taking food and Mum setting out a Christmas buffet table ready to accept it. The only downside to the day was the motorway grinding to a halt after an accident, although we got off onto the side roads very easily it always prays on my mind that someone's Christmas was not going to be how they expected it.

    1. That's grim, I agree - very sad.
      I'm glad your day was good apart from that. xx

  4. I'm glad you had a good time yesterday with Beth and Alex and hope today's gathering with Beth's friends is just as good. Well it's good that the missing wine turned up in time .. is it possible to have too much wine in the 'cellar'? Hope it was worth the wait.

    I've tested negative today but it seems that everyone I know has Covid or had been in close contact with someone who has since tested positive, so I will be staying at home and trying out my first Twelve Days gift ... a book of Einaudi's piano pieces. xx

    1. That's a fantastic self-gift and I bet you really enjoyed the fun of playing them. I hope you remain negative although, to be fair, the two colds I have recently had were worse than the covid I had in March!!

  5. I hope you managed to get some more sleep. I hate nights like that. Glad you had a lovely time.

    1. Sort of but I think I have caught up now (Wednesday), thanks. xx
