Wednesday 7 December 2022

Wednesday: Blogmas day 7

 Morning, everyone.  Isn't time flying at the moment.  We're already pretty much a week into December!  We have no frost this morning but it's predicted to drop below zero later on.  Yesterday was gorgeously sunny so it felt warm and cosy inside as the sun streamed in through the glass (shame about the mucky windows outside).

I really didn't do very much yesterday apart from crochet, read and sleep.  I kept the kitchen in good order and did a bit of washing but very little else so there's a pile of ironing awaiting my attention when I feel up to it.

Lindsey has suggested that we move personal training to Friday and I have agreed rather thankfully.  The only other thing in the diary is that I'm meeting Chris outside the house because a group's coming along our street to sing some Christmas Carols and we thought it would be nice to go and join in.
However, I do have a bit of a shopping list so I'll see how I feel mid morning - it's the turn of M&S and Aldi, I think, and there's quite a big carpark in that shopping precinct so it should be OK - if not, I can always come home again!

And that's about it really.  Another nothing sort of day.  I am so glad I cancelled the York trip.  Apart from the fact that on Sunday I would have been in a coach for several hours with others while probably being highly contagious, home is always the best place when one is feeling rough.  I would not have enjoyed myself.

Today's Christmas music is a performance of the Carol of the Bells, beautifully performed by that wonderful choir, Libera.

If you're interested, here's a link to the Libera site for a bit of information about the group.


  1. It is very chilly here today. The garden is still covered in frost. Xx

    1. That must look very pretty. It's getting colder here but not freezing yet. xx

  2. That's a lovely version of Carol of the Bells, thanks for sharing it. I've actually seen Libera in concert which was a long time ago now but a very special evening.

    I hope your cold is over and done with soon. Were you able to get out and see the carollers in your street? That's something I miss at this time of year, we never see carol singers now. xx

    1. Oh, wow - fantastic to actually see them in concert.
      The cold is hanging around but it didn't stop me from going up the road with Chris and spending a lovely half an hour singing some carols - well, croaking some carols really!

  3. I always go first to your musical selection and listen to it as I read your entry. Keep sending us good vibes!

    1. Thanks, Chris. I really enjoy doing it each year. xx
