Wednesday 14 December 2022

Wednesday: Blogmas day 14

 Good morning, everyone.  It's still cold outside and, again, Beeb doesn't think it will rise above freezing  so I am really very glad I don't have to go out at all today.

Yesterday was mixed.  I don't think the temperature got up to zero at all so the ice pretty much remained all day.
I drove very carefully down to the hall for Groove; The hall car park was like a skating rink and one of the ladies slipped over but was OK.  There were only six of us there but Lindsey had worked out some routines for Christmas songs, such as 'All I Want For Christmas', 'Last Christmas' and 'Feed The World' so we were singing as we grooved!  Well, puffing anyway!

I decided to do the Christmas cake and have kept it simple this year, nothing fancy, but  I think it looks quite nice.  I'm getting better at putting on the icing and smoothing it nicely, I think.  I am just umming and ahing about putting a little silver bauble in the middle of each star.  What do you think?  Would it work or would it look overdone?

While browsing Facebook, I saw there was a message on the parents' page, read it and went to my governor mailbox.  The school is closed, not directly because of the snow but because the heating is on the blink.  Oh, dear, what a time to go.  Fingers crossed they manage to get it repaired quickly.

Obviously, the infant show had been postponed.  They are hoping to reschedule the performances but that depends on repairs and the last day of term is next Tuesday anyway.  What a shame - it's the first show for three years so none of them have even taken part in an Infant show, not even the Y2s.  I really do hope . . . 

Today there have already been two changes.
Lindsey messaged to say that the side roads round her house (which I have to use to get there) are still like skating rinks so how about doing an online session.  I agreed - it only seems sensible and at least I will save on petrol and won't get cold going out.

Not nearly so nice, I have just had a message from the lovely Sharon who was going to do my hair today.  Her husband is pretty unwell and she doesn't feel she can leave him right now.  Extremely sad.

I've gone from feeling I need to rush around and get the kitchen (where Sharon does my hair) looking respectable to knowing I have enough time to do a proper job.  
I might strain off and bottle the Christmas plum gin (in little bottles for gifts) today and I have a bit of pressie wrapping to finish off and that, said John, is that!
(apart from washing and drying, some clearing, some sorting out . . . . . . . .  )

Today's Christmas music is a very thoughtful song from Graham Kendrick, Thorns in the Straw.


  1. If you don't mind me asking how long have you been in your own? You seem very content. Jan

    1. Hi, Jan.
      Good question. I've been divorced for thirty seven years and without children at home for twenty years, pretty much. I am very content, you are right. I'm lucky to have both 'children' living in the same town as me and within a fifteen minute drive at most. I have a nice home, lovely friends and I worked at the local school so know an awful lot of people around here. Add to that, I am an introvert so gather my strength from being on my own and I aim for positivity as much as ever I can, and I reckon I am a very fortunate person really.
      We all have downs and ups, of course, but I do love my life.
      Are you on your own? (if you don't mind me asking)

    2. Thats good the children will have that experience - do tell us how it goes there is always one who raises a giggle from the audience

  2. Sounds like the weather and strikes etc has really put a spanner in everybody's Christmas plans. ( I keep thinking that this is what it must have been like for our parents in the war and the 1950's my they were so resilient) I do hope that the school manage to sort out the heating and re-arrange. The pleasure that the children and the parents/grandparents get from such shows is unbelievable apart from all the other benefits to the children's health/wellbeing etc. You sound as if you have managed to adapt well to all the changes to your plans . Always have a back up plan - once a teacher always a teacher ! Hope you enjoy your day and the weather doesn't interrupt any more of your plans.
    What lovely, carol today - you certainly choose some beautiful carols /christmas songs.

    1. I remember as a child in the fifties being thoroughly miserable when it was so cold. I'm very glad it is different nowadays for some of us. Some, of course, still live in shocking conditions one way or another.

      I've just seen an email that the shows have been rescheduled and the one I was going to will be tomorrow evening. Three cheers.

      I have always liked Graham Kendrick's songs. This one is lovely, I agree, both words and music. xx

  3. Lovely Christmas cake Joy. I really like the simplicity of the stars. I'm sure you have made a better job of the icing that I will on my cake :-)
    Hope the shows will be able to go ahead now and everybody has a good time.
    Take care and stay safe in this wintery weather x

    1. Thank you - I just wanted it simple this year. However, I doubt that it is any better than yours or anyone else's, to be honest!

      It looks like the shows are on again but I feel for parents who have to get babysitters, etc again. No-one's fault but difficult, all the same.

      You stay warm and safe too. The ice should be gone by the end of the weekend. xx

  4. I love the cake design - simply beautiful. Silver balls wouldn't detract but I always think they should come with a dental health warning for those of us over 60,
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That's a very good point - I'll have a look and see what sprinkly sort of stuff there is in the shops and then make a decision. xx

  5. I like the simplicity of the cake as it is. Like the author of the comment above, I too remember the silver balls on cakes and the damage they could do!

    Glad to hear the Christmas performances are back on again. They are always a delight aren't they?

    The roads and pavements around here are still lethal ... I twisted my knee when I went out today, no serious damage though thankfully. You were wise to switch to an online lesson. xx

    1. I looked in Morrisons but couldn't find anything suitable so it can stay as it is - I like it simple.
      I'm really looking forward to the show tonight now.

  6. Your cake is really super, well done you! instead of silver balls have you thought about a very gentle sprinkle of gold or silver powder in the middle of them? My daughter had some cake decorating classes a few years ago and used it then - was quite effective paint brushed on the edge of flower petals.
    Suze x

    1. That hadn't occurred to me, no. I'm a bit clumsy at that sort of thing but it sounds absolutely lovely. xx

  7. Just wanted to comment how lovely and seasonal your header is! Really captures the season perfectly. Thanks again for the lovely music.

    1. That's so very kind, thank you, Chris. xx

  8. Oh your Christmas Cake is just lovely! Thank you for taking a picture of it for us to see. I'm sure it is delicious, also!

    1. I'm sure it will. It is based on a Delia recipe and it works so well. xx

  9. The Christmas cake is gorgeous. Well done!

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I'm very pleased with how it has come out. xx

  10. The cake looks beautiful just as it is. I love the thought of you all exercising to Christmas music, it's a lot more fun ... although I dare say I would have gone off on a tangent, like Phoebe in Friends when she goes to the dance class!

    1. It really was great fun and I'm sure this coming Tuesday will be just as much fun. xx
