Tuesday 6 December 2022

Tuesday: Blogmas day 6

 Morning, everyone.  It's a jolly cold one too with a fair old frost from what I can see when it's still dark.  Beeb says it's going to stay cold for a number of days which makes me thankful for a home and plenty of warm clothing and covers.  I am so loving the C2C blanket which keeps me warm and snuggly all night long and my oodie to get into first thing before the heating has really got going.

I need to start with an apology - I checked the spam folder for the first time in several weeks and was shocked to see over thirty messages.  Most were genuine spam, to be fair, but about ten were from you lovely people (and one from me!!!) - Sue and Sharon, you were especially hard hit and I have no idea why.  Anyway, they're all in now and I have replied to them and a few others I missed before.  I wasn't just ignoring you, honest.
Also, I've been a bit lax in reading all your blogs - I will remedy that today.

The cold is progressing in the way all colds do.  It's sort of 'breaking up' now so I sound disgusting but will probably start feeling a lot better very soon.  I had speedy replies from both Dave and K and our meeting has been rearranged for next Monday instead so that's good.

I managed half an hour of online circuits before ducking out.  I was glad I did it and felt great mentally afterwards but physically I had had enough.  It was also lovely to see the other girls, albeit online.

I did washing and the kitchen got sorted out but everything else is still sitting there, waiting to be moved.  I might take the boxes upstairs rather than go out in the cold to the garage - I'll see how I feel but do want to deal with the decoration storage clutter.

Today, I have pulled out of Groove this morning as there's no online option (Lindsey can't get a reliable connection in the hall) so I might see if I can access SET online on Thursday, as I did last week.  I can but ask anyway.

Apart from that, I must do some ironing and there's various other regular bits and bobs that need attention so there's plenty to do between resting and chilling.  Colds never used to affect me that much - teachers keep on working while at death's door, don't we? - so I am putting it down to old age < grin > and appreciating that I can rest up when it is needed.

Something a bit lighter for our Christmas music today - the wonderful Kings' Singers with a typically quirky rendition of 'Deck the Halls.  


  1. The spam thing is totally random and makes no sense. When I looked recently I found a reply from me to a comment that had appeared at the time but then 2 weeks later popped up in spam .
    Ice on the car this morning - brrrr

    1. It's so weird, I agree. However, it does catch more of the real spam too so that's good.
      Ditto here and the frost is lasting for a while too. Really cold. xx

  2. Yep, my Spam box has lots of comments in it regularly, including some from me when I'm answering comments that were in place but then seem to get moved to Spam at a later date, it's baffling. I guessed you weren't just ignoring me completely. :-)

    1. I would never do that! :-)
      < chuckle >

  3. Glad you're on the mend and thanks for sharing all the wonderful Christmas music. I especially liked today's.

    1. Thanks, Chris. I'm really glad you're enjoying it - I'm getting a lot of pleasure from making my choices each day. xx

  4. I checked the spam yesterday and there was a post from November 30, but when I checked the day before it wasn't there. I really do not know what is going on.

    Loved today's music selection.

    God bless.

    1. Really odd, isn't it? But there are fewer spam comments so it's better than it was, I guess. xx

  5. The spam issue seems to be a new occurrence. I especially don't understand why my comments on my own bog occasionally find themselves in there. X
