Thursday, 2 February 2017


Good morning, gentle readers.  It's a chilly early morning and, probably, damp just like yesterday although, to be fair, we had a hazy watery sun showing himself for around five minutes later yesterday afternoon before he decided it just wasn't worth it and left for more pleasant places!

Yesterday was a good day.

We went into town to the bank yesterday morning, me full of righteous indignation, to be greeted very politely bu a young lady who adopted all the soothing, calming strategies I have learnt over my  many years of SENCo-ing (or SENcoping, as I call it).  Yes, she quite understood why I wasn't happy, etc, etc, etc.

So, after waiting in a queue, I spoke to another very nice young lady who looked up all my details and couldn't explain why my payment had been turned down, there was nothing on my record, my card was fine . . .  perhaps a temporary blip in the system, etc.
OK - so home I went and tried again and, lo and behold, no problems.  So I have no idea what happened but at least it gave us some fresh air, albeit in the rain!

Later on I had my first tutoring session with my new pupil and we had a great time.  I'm going to enjoy this one!

Today I take my friend to the station after breakfast and then I have planning for this evening's tuition as a priority, followed by washing and ironing before I pop off into school to do my Y2 reading.

Today's food:
B:  porridge with sugar and yogurt, a pear
L:  pea soup (I have peas left over from dinner yesterday)
D:  savoury mince, rice, broccoli, yogurt

Coffee calleth and I must answer.  Have a good day, everyone!


  1. Bureaucracy don't you just love it. The simplest things can be turned into a major disaster in no time.

  2. It can drive one bonkers, can't it? Not to mention into town with £1.20 parking charge!
    J x
