Sunday 20 October 2013


Good morning!   It's a damp but fine morning here, although it looks as if there is more rain to come at some point.  After a rather disturbed night (stomach cramps and the usual repercussions) I am looking forward to a proper lazy day today, once I have done a bit of shopping and picked up a couple of items I found on a facebook selling page.

Regarding the slow cooker bread, the conclusion is - I'm not sure.  It made a very strange loaf, the shape of the pot which I had lined with scrunched up greaseproof so the sides were oddly patterned.  The bottom is very crusty and the top was almost white so I popped it in a hot oven for ten minutes, which rather defeats the object.  Unfortunately, with not feeling wonderful, etc, I have only tasted a bit and all bread tastes lovely when it is still hot.  Hopefully I can give it a proper tasting later on today.
My impression isn't 'wow', sadly, but I will try again at some point very soon.

I suppose what's in my mind is that with Thermione, making bread is not a hassle anyway, except that I have to be around at four key points: making the dough, knocking back and shaping, in the oven and out of the oven.  I can get on with other stuff in between!

Have a good day and stay dry!

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