Monday 21 October 2013


Well, I survived the weekend.  Yesterday was much like Saturday - sleep, doze, sleep - with the addition of pillm popping to keep the cramps at bay.  I had to have some breakfast this morning as is is foolishness to try to work on a very empty tum so I had some toast and fingers crossed it won't start off the cramps again, which were pretty unpleasant.

This week is Bear Week.  The teddies are visiting and most of the activities are bear related.  Lovely!

Diane, have you seen my comments on the slow cooker bread?

Now I'm off for a nice, hot bath . . .


  1. Yes thanks Joy I think I will stick to the oven. It does such a good job.

  2. You poor love - the cramps sound awful and I am so sorry to hear of this. Do take great care!

  3. Much better now, thanks. Now if this cold would just go away!
    J x
