Wednesday 15 May 2013


We really did get lucky yesterday.  Not only did my littlies get their morning play and their outdoor games lesson, they also got their lunchtime play and they nearly got their afternoon play too.  However, it started raining just as we went out and it got harder so rapidly we all turned round and went straight back in again.  I was extremely glad I had brought the car to school, I can tell you.
It's still dismal now - it's windy, there's rain in the air and it looks cold (I'm not checking properly as I want to stay warm!).

Yesterday was just another happy day really.  Teaching, marking, making, preparing, evaluating, assessing . . . all the usual things us 'lazy teachers' do as a matter of course.  after school I managed to get a lot of things ready for today too, before I was booted out because S wanted to lock up, so I'm not in a rush this morning.  Excellent!

Today, being Wednesday, is PPA time.  It seems to come around so quickly and I'm finding it impossible to realise that we are half way through week five of this half term.  Everyone is saying the same - this half term has simply whizzed past: in fact we were doubting that it really was week 5 at one point and someone checked in their diary to make sure.  You'd think we were accustomed to it by now and I suppose it's a sure sign that we are busy and relatively contented.

I should have been going out for a meal last night but I had the wrong date in my diary - I had June, not May.  As it was, I couldn't go, so we've rescheduled it for next week instead.  Thank goodness for understanding friends.  So sorry, my dears!

And now I need to look to my planning to check that all is ready and in order for today.  Have a good'un!


  1. Sounds like the bad weather hit us before you but it has been quite wild overnight. At the moment it is dry but windy however the sky is black as your hat so I dont think we are finished with the wet just yet.

  2. I think you're right. It was nice and sunny here for some of the morning before the skies started to darken. It's bright here but not sunny and it seems to be darkening over again. What weather for May!!!!!

    J x

  3. And it's now so cold they've turned on the heating.
