Saturday 18 May 2013


I don't seem to have much luck with my evenings out at the moment.  On Tuesday I was supposed to go to the Hare with two friends but somehow had it in my diary as June, not May.  Yesterday I was supposed to be going to the Civic theatre in town to see a local operatic society perform The Merry Widow.  Indeed, I had organised the outing in my role as KS1 coordinator and was so looking forward to it.  However, by lunchtime yesterday I was starting to feel a bit unwell and this intensified until someone else did my afternoon playground duty and I came home before the end of school.  So no Merry Widow for me.

I'm feeling more normal (whatever that is) now and should be OK today as long as I take life easy.  Given that it's Saturday, I don't think there's much danger of overdoing it at all.  I have some bread rolls to make for Beth, some shopping to do (I will go early and get it over and done), a recipe from Jack Monroe's site to adapt and make (A girl called Jack) and the usual weekend chores.  Apart from that, I reckon sleep will be the best medicine and I intend to get plenty!

So I've already boiled up some butter beans, I will make the bread dough just before I leave for the shops and it will be risen when I came back, then I will make the Jack Monroe recipe (which is the chick pea curry with apricots), get the washing on and then set up in front of rubbish telly with the iron and board and deal with the pile in my ironing basket while the rolls prove.

I like Saturdays.


  1. Wot no knitting/crocheting???
    Sounds like you've planned a perfect day! Hope you are feeling better soon
    A x

  2. As Annabeth said, 'no knitting/crocheting'?

    You must be under the weather again.

    Teaching causes far too much wear and tear mentally and physically. Take care of yourself, allow yourself a lot more 'me' time. Jx

  3. No, no knitting or crocheting. Yes, I'm feeling pretty tired and it is just one week until half term. This half term has whizzed past so quickly that we have hardly had time to draw breath.
    I've bought some foody magazines so I will snooze over them most of the afternoon!
    J x
