Saturday 4 May 2013


Taken on my walk home from school a couple of days ago.

Good morning, everyone.  Judging by the amount of sunlight streaming through the windows right now, it's going to be another lovely day, weather-wise.  Yesterday was gorgeous too despite the cold and frosty morning, a very long way from the snow we had around a month ago.  For the first time this week there wasn't a little nip in the air when the wind blew and, if I hadn't been busy, I'd have sat out in the garden when I got home from school.

It was a very pleasant day in other ways too.  The 'cheaper than chips' project is going very well (so it should just one week in) and I'm feeling all the better for more frugal eating in more than just a physical way.  The interviewing was fun, the farewell lunch was most enjoyable, everyone has been very cheerful now that spring is here, Andrea and I got both our displays done and dusted so that's now off our conscience and, best of all, we were all looking forward to a long weekend with great pleasure!

When I did my weekly shop (quite a small one too - great!), I saw that Morrison's had some garden herb plants in.  I already have bay, mint, sage, chives and rosemary, but the thyme seems to have bitten the dust so I lavished a whole pound on a pot.  Given that you can spend around that on a packet of cut sprigs of thyme, that represents frugality at its best, I reckon.  At the moment it's sitting on the window ledge but it will get planted out at some point.

Today will be good.  Family stuff is always lovely.  I'm off out to watch a local show this evening.  What's not to love there?  I love this relaxed, contented feeling.

And I've posted a recipe for what I think is a very delicious soup on Teacher's Recipes.  Carrot and lentil soup.  Yum.  Just follow the link.

I've decided that I am going to turn out my 'dry goods' cupboards and sort stuff out.  Unfortunately, I am sure I will need to discard some stuff as it's very old, but it will all make a lot more sense and be more accessible and usable   I need to know what's there and I've forgotten what's in the containers behind the ones I use regularly.  Wish me luck - I may be gone some time!


  1. As you know Joy I am also a person who likes to get the most for my money. However, you and I both have the advantage of knowing how to cook. I was shocked yesterday when I went to the garage to fuel the car and saw the queue of people at the drive through MacDonalds which extended round the block. In the length of time it was going to take to be served you could have cooked a three course meal at half the price.

  2. A three course meal that was probably less than half the cost, in fact, and which would taste infinitely better with no nasty additives.
    I think it is so sad that people look upon that as a 'good' meal.
    J x
