Friday 24 May 2013


And so, finally, we come to the last day of the half term and a very cold day it promises to be too!  Yesterday was flippin' cold too: I chose not to wear tights seeing as I wasn't on playground duty and I regretted that decision  more and more as the day progressed.  his afternoon is playground duty so it's tights ahoy and my winter coat too.
I had heard that wind was expected so I moved the wheelie bins to a place where they were unlikely to be blown over and the fledgling plants indoors, but all seems calm right now.  That's good.  What isn't so good is that we had some hail and, I gather, some sleet, yesterday and aforementioned baby plants got a right battering.  I think most will recover - I hope so anyway!
No sign of the runner beans yet and, in these temperatures, I don't blame them for continuing to sleep in their blankety bed!

I was thinking about my plants and about the tomatoes in particular, especially about the blight that has ruined the crop in the last two years.  The bordeaux mixture I had ordered has arrived so that's good.  However, I read that greenhouse tomatoes tend to escape the blight more, so I looked around on the Internet and invested in a couple of tomato greenhouses - all metal tubing and plastic cover, nothing permanent, but it could be enough to keep the blight at bay.  I'm hoping so anyway, fingers crossed.  At least it won't hurt, the only harm is to my bank account as they weren't cheap.

Today is SEN day and, as always, I have a long list of things to do.  It's jolly nice that I have time out of class for this.  I remember when I had full responsibility, not shared, a lot more SEN issues and no time out of class for my responsibilities at all.  That was hard and I am so glad things have changed for the better since then.

Now I'm off to make some soda bread.  Five minutes with Thermione and half an hour baking.  Easy peasy!

Later: back in and editing to say I've posted the soda bread recipe in Teacher's recipes, here.

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