Saturday 20 August 2022


 Today's garden happy - peppers!    There are ten of them, mini ones, a palm's width in length, and almost ready to start enjoying.
(I've just spotted a baby one - I don't think that will come to anything much though.)

Good morning, everyone.  Welcome to another weekend - and where is the month going?  We're into the third third of August; soon it will be September with all the joys and colours of Autumn - how lovely is that!

Yesterday plodded on.  It was a beautiful Summer day, sunny and warm with blue skies and a gentle breeze.  No humidity, no uncomfortable heat.  Gorgeous!

SW group was really good (again) and the tasters were delicious.  Eileen was asking have I always gone to SW.  I think it depends on what you mean by 'always' but no.  I had been super-large pretty much all mu adult life, certainly the latter half of it.  After retirement, I had those gallbladder issues and had to eat a very restricted diet, partly because the doctor told me to lose some weight before the op and partly because if I didn't, it hurt!!
I had the op and started putting on a bit of weight again so, after chatting to a friend who had lost a considerable amount of weight, joined SW.  I'd always thought SW a bit silly what with red days and green days, As, Bs and sins/syns, etc, (and it still does a few rather silly bits to it - a good dose of common sense helps a lot!) but, once I went into it all, I thought it was a really good, healthy structure to build my eating on and I still do.  Again - application of common sense helps a lot, plus knowing the whole 'plan', not just selected bits!
I still go every week because I'm on the social team and do the weighing but also because it's a lovely bunch of people, really friendly and helpful and I really look forward to Fridays.
There's no magic about SW that any healthy food plan doesn't have - and any plan that has restricting calories at its heart is going to work, but it's structured, balanced and allows me plenty of leeway for enjoying cooking and creating meals from scratch.

The cleaners came and scattered their usual magic dust so my house is lovely and clean now.  I changed my bedding and got the sheets in and washing but totally forgot they were done so I will need to give them another wash this morning before hanging them out and starting in on the rest.

So today is basically wash day - wash, dry and iron day anyway!  That gives me plenty of time to finish off my sock and start another one.   :-)

Have a grand day, everyone.  Stay happy!  xx


  1. Those peppers have come on a treat. They are going to be so tasty when you eat them. I think SW is a really sensible option for people struggling to lose weight. It would certainly motivate me if I was part of such a nice social group of like minded people.

    1. Yes, it is a good structure - especially if you like cooking from scratch, as I do (and you). And there's a whole world of SW friendly recipes out there nowadays. It's brilliant. xx

  2. Those peppers are a gorgeous color! Red peppers are my favorite ones as they taste sweet.

    1. They do, they have a lovely flavour. xx

  3. As you say, Joy, we all know how to lose weight but the group structure is the big bonus. I am mending today as well as doing laundry. Catriona

    1. It makes a bit difference.
      Good luck with the washing and the mending. xx

  4. Thanks for mentioning your SW/ weight loss journey and I am glad that it works for you. I tried SW back in the red and green days and lost quite a bit of weight but didn't like the syns part of it. I know it's not 'sins' as in sinful but it sounds like it and I didn't like the negativity that it brings to mind. I'm with you on the need to syn things like cooked fruit etc! I use quite a few SW friendly recipes.

    1. That was my biggest bugbear. And when it started off, it reall6y was 'sins' - she - the founder, Margaret - thought it was funny. Mind you, that was the 60s and the idea of no food being 'bad' wasn't really a thing at all. She changed it to 'syns' and made up the whole synergy thing when it was losing them members. I remember it changing because I took the magazine and one month it was sins and the next month it was syns. I was so puzzles but I suppose it was explained more fully in groups.
      I'm OK with the principle, it generally makes sense, it is just the name - and a few of the applications of it, the worst of which is synning cooked fruit! Ooooh, that really gets my goat. :-)

  5. You've done really well with your vegetables this year, which considering the hit and miss weather is very good.

    1. Thanks, Sue. The weather really hasn't been helpful for our moderate loving plants, has it? Well, not with me in charge, anyway. They still taste great though. :-)
