Monday 15 August 2022

Monday, 15-08-22

 Good morning, everyone.   There's no sun showing this morning, amazingly, and we do have rain forecast for later on.  I suspect it's going to be rather close and sticky today - it already feels 'heavy' - but if that leads to rain, I ain't complaining one bit!

Today's garden happy - The first time I have managed to successfully grow peppers.

As for us all in this country, yesterday was another very hot day, in the low 30s in the shade of my garden.  It was a good excuse to be very lazy and take life extremely slowly and gently

I finished these little cute things . . . they need a bit of a steam, I think, but it was too hot to get the iron out (good excuse!).

That really was about it for the day.  I read, knitted, watched TV, snoozed a bit and generally behaved like the elderly lady I really don't want to be.  Thank goodness for circuits today - that with shake me up a bit.

A nice thing - Chris brought over some cooking apples from her tree, bless her.  I will need to process them at some point today and pop most in the freezer.  Maybe I could look up a recipe for apple chutney of some kind.
I wonder i8f she needs any tomatoes - I do have rather a lot.

Today I need to do a bit of housework and there's the aforementioned circuits.  Lindsey has asked us to bring mats so I guess she's planned for the weather - mat based strength type stuff rather than aerobics based work.  Fine by me; I like the mat based exercise.

Last week, I had a go at winding one of the hanks of yarn I bought at the festival.  It took ages - I had no-one to hold the yarn while I would so it was slow work to make sure there were no tangles.  So I popped on to Amazon and treated myself to a 'yarn swifter' - a sort of rotary washing line like
contraption that holds the hank and turns as you wind it into a ball.

I've borrowed the photo from Amazon so you can see what I mean.
Funny old thing, isn't it, but if it does the trick, worth every penny as I do have other hanks I have avoided rolling.

Anyway, I gather it is arriving today so I hope it comes earlier rather than later so I can sort out the other hanks

It's brightened up a bit now but still no sun - yet.  Maybe it will be one of those hazy days before it morphs into loadsa lovely rain (a bit of positive thinking there).

Well, sitting here, rabbiting on, won't get the day started so I'll close and post now and get onto Facebook for my duties there.
Have a good day, whatever the plans and whatever the weather.  Stay safe and well.  xx


  1. The yarn swifts are excellent, especially if you use them together with a wool ball winder. I use a very basic one, which clamps onto a table or worktop. It winds the yarn into a cake, which enables you to take the yarn from the middle of the cake; no more dropping and rolling balls on the floor.

    1. I read that the cakes are not that great because they add an extra twist to the yarn as it is pulled out. I did think of getting one but decided not to - and I do find rolling into a ball very therapeutic - I know what you mean though - rolling balls can be a nuisance.
      I put my yarn ball in the basket that hold the current project so it doesn't roll. :-)

  2. You've made a lovely job of those socks haven't you. The stitches look perfect and someone's going to have cosy little feet.

    1. Aw, thank you. I did enjoy making them and maybe they will stay on better that bootees.

  3. Drat the Anonymus - it was me, Annabeth!

  4. Those little socks are just gorgeous, someone's feet are going to be warm and cosy this Winter. :-)

    1. :-) It's a nice thought, isn't it? Thanks, Sue. xx

  5. Gorgeous sockery! I've seen those contraptions in use at a knit and stich show - be careful - I found them mesmerising and slightly hypnotic!!! You might send yourself into a trance! Looks like good fun!

    1. In this hot weather, a bit of a trance might be a Good Thing!!
      Thanks, I do think the socks are very cute. :-) I need some one to have a baby now so I can keep knitting them. xx

  6. Ooh such cute socks
    I'm a sucker for gadgets but haven't ventured into buying hank yarn yet , also we're supposed to be keeping off the press button to buy this month! So far so good ....
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Only around two weeks to go, that's all. It's not arrived yet . . .
      I think it will be useful, especially as some of that skein yarn is so, so gorgeous!!

  7. The little socks are so cute. Are you donating them or saving them for a gift? xx

    1. I know it sounds daft but I'm not sure yet. To be honest, I love knitting wee things so one of the motivations is just because they are fun to make. I mean, if anyone reading this wanted them . . .

  8. I have a swift like that and really like it. I made it a bag with a drawstring so it hangs on a hook when not in use. I have a winder and have never noticed an extra twist on my cakes.

    1. It has come with its own plastic case which is nice and handy. You could be right but I didn't get a winder anyway. I rather like rolling yarn into a ball. xx

  9. Make sure you watch the slack as you are winding wool off the swifter. It can get ahead of itself and then you will find yourself having to unwind the extra wool on the base. I do use a winder (which is very fast) and, like Marjorie said, haven't had issues with a twist on the cake either. If you are going to wind by hand, just be careful not to pull too hard or the swifter will take off at speed. :)

    1. It was OK actually - quite fast but easy to slow down with just a little pressure. I enjoyed using it although it's now away, of course. xx
