Wednesday 25 March 2020


Good morning, everyone.  It's another fine and frosty start to a day that looks as if it is going to be sunny and bright again, thank goodness.  The sun shining through the glass makes downstairs lovely and cosy without any need for thicker jumpers, etc.

Yesterday was a very odd feeling day indeed.  I spent most of it in quite high anxiety.  It would have been fine if BJ hadn't made his announcements on Monday evening, stopping unnecessary journeys, staying at home, etc.
Yesterday morning, Beth set off in the car for Norwich (about two and a half hours each way) to pick Alex and all his bits and bobs up from Uni and bring him home to security and safety.  All day I was envisaging police blocks, being stopped by the army, all sort of worrying and highly improbable stoppages such as arrests, having bail them out, etc.
Of course, it was all wasted worry - it was fine, the traffic was quite light (well, it would be under the circumstances, but the A12 can be horrendous so it was a relief), she wasn't stopped once and she was able to have a good rest while Alex went to and fro loading up the car with all his stuff.  She stayed in the car as, officially, she is isolating for health reasons.
It came under the heading of support for a vulnerable person so most likely would have been OK anyway but - oh, the worry.  Not a nice day.

Other things were also just slightly off beam.
Last week, I mentioned about getting some bread delivered.  It came yesterday but, of course, now I have no way of getting some to Beth as originally intended so I had four pretty large (and very delicious) wholemeal loaves to deal with somehow.  I sliced them all and, fortunately, managed to get them into the freezer so when we can move around a bit more again, they will be there for her.  I asked round the cul de sac (we have a FB/Messenger group thingy going on) but everyone seems fine for bread.

And then there was the paper.  Last week I needed more printer paper which I use for printing tuition work out.  I looked all around but there was none because, I guess, parents had bought it all up for the work the schools are sending home.  Fair enough!
So I went online to Amazon and ordered some.  It seemed more sensible to get five reams and certainly more economical.   And then lockdown happened so no tuition anyway!
Now I have five reams of paper that certainly won't be wasted but need a home.  Upstairs in the guest room is probably the best place and, thinking positively, great exercise if I run them up one at a time!

After the sudden release of tension when Beth let me know she was safely home, I'm afraid I lost it a bit, food wise, so yesterday's carefully thought out food plans ended up in great disarray but not to worry.  It was one part of one day, that's all.   Back on plan now!

The good things were that I enjoyed the PE with Joe half hour (I adapt some of it, in case you're thinking I can do more than I really can) and, having very much in mind that I was almost out of granular salt for the water softener (talk about first world problems), went online and found places that deliver and now I have some 10K bags being delivered today.
Also, I am thoroughly enjoying The Crown, I really am.  I wonder what the Royal family itself makes of it.
Finally, Dad is being very well looked after by Ann, the next door neighbour.  She got a next day 'geriatric' slot with Sainsbury for home delivery and added Dad's requirements to her order so he's well stocked.  Also, like me (after all, we are father and daughter) he doesn't believe in running stocks down too low anyway and has a one open and one on the shelf policy.

Goodness, I have gone on - sorry.  It's really helped to type it all out and I'm left with a very thankful feeling that Beth and Alex are safely home.

On to today, there's three organised things.  Firstly, PE with Joe at nine which I really don't want to miss as it's a great start to the day, no matter how irritating I find his perpetual chatter!
Then, at twelve, Lindsey and I are going to attempt an online PT lesson, she recording and me typing in answers and doing what she says.  We'll see how it goes.  A good thing is that I will have a recorded work out for the rest of the week too, if it's needed or wanted.
Finally, at four thirty, Jennifer (SW consultant) is going to start some online training of a system that SW is setting up in place of the real meetings.  I have no idea what that will involve but I will give it a jolly good go.

Between times, there's a kitchen to tidy and clean, washing and ironing, knitting, sewing and telly.  I won't be bored, that's a fact!

Last of all, one positive thing - it may be that working on allotments might be allowed, perhaps under the 'one form of exercise each day' heading and also because it is, by its very nature, an isolated experience and, of course, food production in a small way.  Fingers crossed.

On that positive note, have a great day, whatever you have planned.  xx

(Just as I was about to click on 'publish' a message popped up from Chris over the cul de sac.  She will take one of the loaves.  Three cheers!)


  1. Morning Joy, I'm so glad Beth and Alex are safely home, that's a worry off your mind. If Beth is self isolating for health issues, wouldn't it be ok for you to deliver her bread, just leaving it on her doorstep and then retreating to the gate for a 'safe distance' chat? I know it's all a bit confusing and not terribly clear at the moment, but we are allowed to help out vulnerable people aren't we? What about all these neighbourhood volunteer shopping schemes that are popping up, that's the same thing isn't it, surely? Don't take my word for it though. xx

    1. A bit of an up and down day lets hope today is less stressful and you can enjoy the sunshine but not the cold

    2. It's a thought, Sooze, but I'm thinking that if she wants, I can get them to deliver an order next Tuesday to her - I certainly won't need any!! We might have to investigate some options; we'll see how it all goes.
      It's a huge worry off my mind, definitely. A great relief.

      Diane: today should be loads better and the sunshine is lovely. How awful it would be if it was pouring with rain - although people wouldn't want to go out, I suppose.

  2. It feels so much better when everyone you love is back together again..our worlds have shrunk but the internet is providing so much entertainment to relieve the stress. I have started joining in with Gareth Malones Great British Chorus. Unfortunately last night he looked pretty poorly in the video. I hope he is ok. Enjoy this lovely weather. It was so good to have coffee in the garden yesterday.

    1. I must look that up, it sounds like fun. Really sorry to read that he's unwell - maybe it's tiredness?

  3. Good to hear you have Beth and Alex close by again.
    I keep finding myself with shoulders all tense and wild thoughts going round. Must relax more

    1. I know what you mean - neck aches and stiff shoulders and unable to sit still. It takes some hard work to stay relaxed (if that's not an oxymoron).

  4. Good that Alex got home safely. I'm also feeling a bit stressed but I think it's lack of being in control of the situation we're all in.

    I'm laughing at all my colleagues who are doing the PE with Joe Wickes. We all thought it would be easy as it's aimed at kids. But having done his 90 day programme in the past, I can see he ain't holding back!!! So well done for joining in. I also adapt some of the exercises as they can be sore on my knee

    1. It most certainly isn't easy!!!
      I think you're right in that it is lack of control but it's also the unknown. Being a new thing, there's a lot more not known than known right now and no-one likes that!

  5. Both you and Beth must be relieved that Alex is home. They are close and you know Alex is safe with his mum.

    I had the munchies as well yesterday and seemingly today as well. I'm not hungry or bored but am using food for comfort, so need to get on top of it or I will put all the weight back on.

    Hope your online SW goes well.

    1. It was - er - interesting!
      I wish we didn't respond to stress with munchies. Oh, well.

  6. Can totally relate. Felt the same way until grand arrived home from Bristol. Arduous task. Took long time to get the flight etc. they are in 14 day isolation. I am on my 12 th day because of age and health. Other family in other state ok now. Prayers

    1. Praying.
      It's hard, isn't it. But it helps to know they are safe at home.

  7. Have a good day. Stay safe.

  8. It must be a relief knowing your lovely dad has a kindly neighbour he can depend on and I hope you feel less anxious now.
    I actually felt a little relieved by Mondays announcements. I think there had been too much uncertainty regarding the 'suggested advice'.
    Stay well. X
