Saturday 21 March 2020


Good morning.

Does anyone recognise these which are coming up in the front strip.  I know it's not a lot to go on but I don't recall anything there last year.  I know I did plant some cheapo summer bulbs of some kind somewhere in that bed which didn't come up at all last year.  They were very cheap (from Wilcos) so I wasn't surprised and I can't remember what they were anyway.  Maybe it's them!
I love garden surprises - nice ones, anyway!

Yesterday, realising that I do have a lot of clutter out in the kitchen making the surfaces hard to clean, I did a bit of a tidy up.  It looks loads better now.

And I made an up to date list of what I have in my food cupboard.  I won't starve, that's for sure.
I also finished the inventory and sort out of the upright freezer and now have a list of meals, etc.  Helpful.  I was pleased that nothing needed to be chucked but somewhat ashamed at the disorder.  Never mind, all done now.

More than all done, in fact because I decided that while the motivation was high, I'd defrost the thing and when I say defrost maybe I mean de-iceberg.  It was solid.  Very shaming but it's all shiny clear and clean now and I can use the top tray again < blush >

In the afternoon, the cleaners turned up so I, in the interest of social distancing, went upstairs and sorted out all the Christmas tablecloths, sheets, bunting, etc, and got it all up on the top shelf.  Then I made up the beds so they are all prepared.  You never know.  It means I no longer feel I have to shut the door to hide the mess - the landing is so much lighter with the bedroom doors open.

I thought yesterday was a downstairs only day but I was wrong, they did upstairs too although, sensibly, they both went up first so I stayed down and then they both came down so I went up.  I had emailed the company to let them know I was distancing so they changed their routine accordingly.
I'm going to keep the cleaners for as long as possible, partly for selfish reasons but partly because things are hard enough right now without redundancy as well and this is a local company which must be taking a hammering at the moment, as all are.

I didn't get the ironing done (again) so it's top o'the list today as I'm doing some more washing.  Nor did I start watching 'The Crown' but that won't go away!

Today's to-do list reads:
ironing (double underlined)
start on chest freezer
order tomato plants and others
cook mince
cut out top
Beth here
(and the usual knitting and reading and watching telly)

Beth's coming over because she's been told to go into three months' isolation because of her asthma so she wants to finish off and post a commission, get some sewing things plus the machine which is now hers (as I have Mum's) and 'tidy' the room that was her work room.
It'll take more than one day really and I have it down as a special project over the next months as I think I want to use it as a work room as well.  Goodness knows, I will have the time.

The chest freezer is a worst mess (if that's possible) than the upright one and it will take several goes to get it sorted so I'm sort of partitioning it out and doing a bit at a time.  Then, when it is all sorted, I will take the lot out and defrost it, although it's not as bad as the other was, not by a long shot.  I guess it will take several days but will be great when it's done.

At the moment it's comparatively easy to keep busy.  The motivation is there, the mess is there!  Later on I will have to work harder so I'm practising positivity now so it remains a habit in harder times.

Did you read that on Monday Joe Wicks is starting online PE lessons at the beginning of every school morning, 9 to 9:30, I think.  I think it's a great idea and have subscribed (free) to his YouTube channel so I can exercise along with them all.  It'll be interesting to see what he does, given that he can't assume any equipment and such a wide age range.  I wonder if the small number that are still at school (parents are 'key workers', special needs, etc) will have it as a consistent factor in their day.  School is going to be very, very different, that's for sure!
Well done, Joe, what a star!

Well, it's nearly six, day has dawned (must check when the clocks go forward) and I'm hoping for a good drying day!  Better get the washing in.
Have a good Saturday.  What are you planning to do now going out is not an option?


  1. Morning Joy, I don't know what's coming up in your garden, but am intrigued now! You must remember to show us whatever it turns out to be.

    We're not planning on going out much at all either in the near future....although, saying that, we do have to go to the bank on Monday, and of course we'll be dog walking. Seems the weather is going to be good (ie sunshine and no rain!) for a few days, so it'll be gardening for us. Have a lovely day, Joy xx

    1. I'm all for good weather. It's only right, seeing as it's now proper Spring, however you date it!
      I'll let you know what it turns out to be. It looks far too 'official' to be a weed!

  2. Opened the curtains to sun this morning - lovely - very cheering.
    Not sure about the plant it vaguely looks like something in the lily family? Clocks are next weekend.
    Have a good day with your list

    1. Oh, thanks, Sue. Saves me looking it up.
      It could be some sort of lily; that stirs a vague memory! Thanks again.

  3. Not at all sure what the plants are but definitely not weeds so exciting to wait and see. I am thinking of using the time to do spring cleaning which will at least pass the time. Social isolation is never a good thing but it was a real life line for me at present so I am keeping in touch with friends via the internet thank goodness for that at least.

    1. I agree, it is really, really important for you, Diane, and I'm glad you can stay in touch via the Internet. I'm really enjoying reading your blog (and others) and making comments.

  4. I'm taking the same approach as you and trying to stay positive and reasonably busy. I feel motivated at present but keeping that up long term may be a challenge so I am focusing on establishing a daily routine for some structure in my life.

    1. By the looks of it, we definitely are in for the longer haul so routine structure is going to be crucial.

    2. I forgot to say that I've signed up for Joe Wicks online PE sessions as well. It's going to be too easy to sit around and not moving enough so any physical activity we can fit in is essential.

    3. I'll 'see' you there then. :-)
      Yes, I agree and lounging around too much is not mentally healthy either.

  5. Ironing is double underlined here too. My dining table has disappeared under the huge pile! A morning catching up with chores followed by a nice walk beckons.
    From what I understand, the school is open for childcare purposes, not really for teaching, although I'm sure there will be some sort of structure to the day.
    Stay well. X

    1. There will have to be some structure - the children will need that very much. Also pastoral care and physical activity. I'm sure learning will go on, just not necessarily National Curriculum based. I'm guess they will do whatever the teachers are also sending home each day.

      Must get off the monster and start the ironing!

  6. Here we just have to practice "social distancing" i.e. don't get too close to anyone. So we can still go out, shop, take a walk etc. But not meet friends for coffee, that's too close! The coffee shops are takeout only. I chatted with a neighbour today, five feet apart, as I was raking the front lawn.

    1. I'm OK with distancing as here's no reason why I should adopt isolation. I'm just being sensible. Beth is different so we took all sorts of precautions while she was here. We won't do it very often but it was necessary.

  7. Hyancinths? Let us know when they reveal themselves.

    1. Do you get summer hyacinths, I wonder? I'll let you all know when I know. :-)
