Saturday, 14 March 2020


Good morning.  Guess what.  The rain is back and the forecast looks gloomy for today and tomorrow

Had a bit of a scare yesterday.  Beth facebooked me to say she wasn't feeling well.  Of course, one immediately thinks of The Virus, doesn't one.  She's fine, it was just a reaction to something that happened the other day - no dry cough, no temperature.  Phew.
But, with the best will in the world, Pollyanna outlook notwithstanding, we're all a bit on edge at the moment, aren't we?  All we can do is follow advice and be sensible and unselfish - not so easy when one in uncertain and worried.
I hope all my lovely readers are coping.  Thank goodness blogging, texting, emailing, etc., are not affected by any sort of virus, new or old.

Chris came round for coffee and we had a good old natter.  Our next get together might be a trip to Hyde Hall with lunch there - that would be really nice, if it comes off.

Then I popped to Aldi and now I have my anti-cholesterol yogurt drinks up to the end of the month.  I suppose it's not the end of the month if I don't have them, but I am trying to get the old c-levels down before the blood test in June (assuming routine blood tests are still being done then).  I also got a few more bits and bobs that came to mind, but nothing all that much.  For the first time ever, I saw empty shelves in Aldi - usually they are refilled almost before there are gaps.  They were out of all the current things - loo roll, pain killers, pasta, etc, but there was plenty of meat and other protein foods and plenty of fresh veg.

The cleaners turned up a wee bit earlier than usual.  That was good because of T coming round for tuition after school - there was no clash this week.  It's lovely when they've finished - everywhere is shiny clean and peaceful.

Then it was clean and tidy myself up for the family meal.  It was a lovely time and, frankly, I am very lucky not to have a splitting head this morning.

I'm off to Dad's later on this morning which will be nice.  And that's about it really for today.  Have a good one and stay safe.  xx


  1. Morning Joy, sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. Have a good weekend at Dad's, I hope he's keeping safe and well. In a way, I'm glad my Mum's not around as she'd be very vulnerable indeed right now. xx

    1. One can't help worrying about all this, however determined one is to be sensible and practical. I know exactly what you mean.

  2. It is indeed a worrying time for everyone. I think the aspect that worries me the most is that we are reliant on everyone adopting a sensible approach and following the advice but there are plenty of people who will ignore that advice and soldier on with no thought or real understanding of how their actions impact on others.

    1. Yes, there will. I suppose, in a way, it's like driving. You can't just think for yourself, you also have to think for other drivers too, anticipate and allow for what they might do.

  3. Yes, everything is closed here and people are being encouraged to stay home, so I am even more grateful to be able to have online contacts at my fingertips!
