Sunday 29 March 2020


Good morning, everyone.  It's quite dull this morning although the Beeb says we may get some sun, it's feeling pretty chilly and it's likely to remain so. 
On the plus side, I remembered about the clocks going forward and now our evenings are lighter for longer.

I'm ashamed to admit that I had a bit of a slump yesterday.  Suddenly, everything seemed too much effort (what a wimp!) and as the day went on, it got harder and harder to stay motivated.  On the plus side, the only thing I didn't do on my list was the outside stuff and the bedroom cupboard and that's not a disaster really.
And now I know what's in my pull out drawer and know that I will only need to shop for fresh and perishable stuff for a little while.  That's good.

Today I am really going to work on staying cheerful and busy.  Perhaps yesterday was because I had woken up so very early and felt weary all day.  Last night I was asleep by nine and woke at a better time.  Still early but reasonable and that's without considering the hour forward.

Something energetic:
I have Lindsey's PT programme and her short clips, saved on Facebook, and maybe I'll move those strawberries and de-weed the front today too.  There's ironing to do and there may be more because I have another load of washing and, if I do the gardening, that's bending and stretching.

Something social:
Beth and I have planned a video chat this afternoon so I'm really looking forward to that.  I've finally heard from Dave and he's fine so that's great.  Facebook is always there and I love reading around the blogs, commenting and answering comments in here too.  It would be a lot harder without the Internet.

Something in the house:
MUST sort out the bedroom cupboard and, while I did most of the ironing yesterday, there's a bit left for today.  I also need to check through my fruit and veg and make sure anything looking a bit wobbly is used up sooner rather than later.  Thank goodness for soup.

Something creative/relaxing:
The socks are going great.
I'm still dithering about which skirt pattern to use - one is cut on the cross so will sit nicely but be a bit more difficult to make while the other is cut straight so will be easier.  I think I might do the latter as maybe the pattern on the fabric isn't quite right for the former.
In yesterday's comments, Heather mentioned about planting dried peas to get pea shoots.  I might very well give that a go - after all, gardening is creative, right?  :-)

Keep smiling, keep shining, everyone.  :-)


  1. Morning Joy. There's nothing to be ashamed about - it's a very strange time for all of us and takes a lot of adjusting to, we can't expect to drastically change our lives without it taking a toll on us mentally if not physically. You've got vulnerable people to worry about, who you can't see or do much for, so it's understandable that it's probably preying on your mind and making you anxious. So don't beat yourself up, ok? xx

    1. OK and thanks. Yes, I do worry about everyone but there you go. You're right, just accept it as normal and natural and dwell on the positives such as I'm so lucky to have people I care about so much.

  2. I switched on my radio to hear the weatherman saying the wind chill factor will take the temps down to nearly freezing in the East! I nearly stayed in bed but the cat forced me out. So far I've altered all the clocks.
    I think it's perfectly reasonable to have down days with the way we are all having to live at the moment.
    Oh good grief it's snowing!!

    1. It feels jolly cold but snow?????? Blimey! The sky is clear too so fingers crossed. I like a bit of snow but not right now!

  3. I'm sorry you experienced a slump yesterday. I'm sure there will be many of those before we're over the worst, and it's certainly nothing to be ashamed of.
    It's good to have a plan to keep busy. I have some chores to do around the house this morning, then I'm going to bake a cake. X

    1. Baking always lifts the spirits - wishing you a happy time. I may very well forget about SW one day and bake something sweet and spongy myself too. I do have the ingredients.
      But not today! :-)

  4. I would be quite surprised if people didn’t get the slumps from time to time. Nothing is normal at the moment. I am finding concentrating quite difficult. I had been full of plans to get back to some embroidery or quilting but tbh the most I have done is a bit of knitting. Try not to get overwhelmed by what you thought you might do.
    I too must have a look at the veg drawer in the fridge. I feel a quiche might be in order and another soup for lunches next week. We are so lucky to have a small butcher in a nearby village. I rang and ordered early in the week so I could just pick up. It’s lamb and boulangere potatoes plus lots of veg for lunch today.

    1. A quiche is a good idea - I've put it on the list. I find quiche a happy thing, definitely.
      Your lunch sounds absolutely wonderful. You will enjoy it very much, I am sure.
      What I tell myself is that if I don't get that sewing, knitting, cross stitch, whatever, done today, it will still be there tomorrow and the next day . . . so when the wish strikes, that's when it's right to start!

  5. It's hard work staying cheerful and positive especially when we live on our own. My mum phones me daily now, looking for advice or just wanting to fill me in on my dad's health. I also speak to my boys regularly even though they're coping brilliantly. I still worry about them. Keeping busy and active is good! xxx

    1. I think making sure we stay busy is one of the increasingly few things we have control over and it's important to exercise that control. I worry about my family too, it's natural, but I am so glad they they all seem well, physically, and Dad is well looked after.

  6. I too had a bit of a slump yesterday. In part due to a bad night's sleep so I was overtired, but mostly that the constant stress/worry and lack of concentration is exhausting. I decided to do nothing except fun things over the weekend and try to make a break to the usual pattern of my days. The household chores and mini sorting projects can all happen during the week but weekends will be my little oasis of quiet and relaxation.

    1. That's a really good idea.
      So many people felt rough yesterday - very odd.

    2. Some days, like today, just make me feel so very sad. Normal I know during this uncertainty. It takes an effort to keep your spirits up, and I'll try harder! Today our ministers had the first service on Zoom and it was just wonderful. Our pastor and associate pastor each spoke from their homes and followed our normal service, adding music from the internet when the choir would normally sing. I went to my 88-year-old mother's house and set up her ipad for her to watch, then wiped it down with a disinfecting wipe and handed it to her through the sliding glass door. I watched on my phone from the porch and she watched at her dining room table with the glass door between us. At least we were together!

    3. That is just lovely. I'm so glad you were able to share the service together.
      I'm sorry you've found today hard and do hope that tomorrow is better. xx

  7. Yes, gardening is very creative. I think it's normal to feel some sadness and depression at this time. Writing down my feelings in my journal helps me. You are getting so much done!

    1. I'm trying to - and being thankful that there is so much that can be done.
      Thank you for the encouraging words, that's so kind.

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