Thursday 19 March 2020


Good morning.  First of all, updates.  Beth is fine, Dave is fine and Alex is (hopefully) coming home from uni on Sunday.  He has coped amazingly well, I am so, so proud of him but he needs to be enfolded by a family environment and the love and care of his Mum (we never really stop needing that, do we?).
(for newer readers, Alex, my only grandchild, has Autism Spectrum Disorder and is currently reading Mathematics at Uni)

Yesterday, I decided to wear the top I made.  The sewed one, I mean, not any knitted ones.  I'm glad I did as there are a few changes I will make to the neckline and the sleeve length when I make the next one.  Generally though, the verdict is 'very comfortable'.

When I looked through the planning for yesterday's student, I realised that I had done it after last week's session (feel free to bow before my organised awesomeness if you so wish) so that was good.  Tomorrow's student is now coming on Monday during the day so I can do that planning over the weekend.

I'm quite into sock making at the moment using that self striping yarn that has added nylon for strength.   I think I can safely say happiness is buying a stash of sock yarn online and knowing you will have the time to knit them.
I've promised Beth some now that her 'nibble-everything-knitted-in-sight' cat has gone the way of all good cats.  He really did have a fetish for knitting and Beth refused anything I would offer to make for her because it wouldn't last more than a few weeks.

Today is a totally empty day now that Friday's student is coming on Monday (all being well) so I shall consider doing the following.

1.  Start watching The Crown on Netflix.  It's supposed to be good and I've never watched it
2.  Wipe over all surfaces upstairs (the cleaners are coming to do downstairs)
3.  Sort out the guest room which hasn't recovered from Christmas yet.  Not that I am likely to need it at the moment but - you know - needs doing.  I can do that while the cleaners are downstairs to maintain distance.
4.  Get on with my knitting and sewing.
5.  Go online and order some tomato plants

I feel so much for my ex colleagues and other teachers as today is the last day of school for what could be many months, perhaps into the next school year.
Please think of them today as they say 'goodbye' to everyone without all the preparation that goes on at the end of a school year.


  1. Difficult times but I'm glad the sock knitting is keeping you happy.

    1. lol - it makes me sound very superficial, that!!! It's having purposeful things to do, isn't it? We can no longer say 'I think I'll just pop out for . . .'

  2. It's a sad end to the school year but especially so for the year 6s who probably won't experience the end of school treats and shirt signings etc. The same for the senior schools who will miss their proms and the like.

    I'm impressed that you're doing sock knitting ... that's on my wish list but will have to wait until we can resume a social life and I can attend one of the workshops at the local wool shop.

    1. Some of them are very upset indeed about this and also, because they are not all going to the same secondary school, some friendships may go by the board. That would happen anyway but it's just adding to the load right now. Most primary students love their school.
      Sock knitting is great. Just short socks, nothing too long! Could you find something on you tube? it seems to cater for most interests.

  3. Happy sock knitting (it's addictive!)

    1. It really is. I'm getting better at it now as well.

  4. IN the midst of this crisis school kids will adjust to kddimg events. You will like The Crown. I have liked third season best. You are amazing with all you do.

    1. Thanks for this. I'm looking forward to it even more now.

  5. Such crazy times we are having right now! Our schools closed already here and they are doing online learning right now. Hope you enjoy your Friday today!

    1. Things have changed so much! We'll get used to some of the changes but I think the youngsters, used to clubbing, dancing and shopping, will find this much harder.
      And the school children will miss their school life, I have absolutely no doubt. Goodness knows what this will do to their learning - it has certainly thrown the National Curriculum expectations right up in the air!
      Hoping you are well.
