Saturday 7 March 2020


Good morning, everyone.  I hope your weather yesterday was like here as it was glorious.  Out of the wind, there was some real warmth in the sun and the breeze made it a great drying day!

Yesterday was so pleasant.

Firstly, I finished off the skirt I was making.  It's nothing special, just four pieces with an elasticated waist, perfect for under a T shirt on those hotter summer days.     However, I think I prefer the shape of a six piece pattern so will look out for one.  Elasticated waists are very comfortable as well as making the sewing up so much easier and, as I don't wear things tucked in, it makes no difference to the look.

Then, rather than tidy up, I got out the manual and investigated some of the things the machine can do.  The manual isn't great on detail, which is a bit frustrating and I'm glad it's not my first machine!
I had a reply from Bernina about some presser feet that are compatible with the version I have with a link, so I went online and was amazed at how many there are and how much they cost; my jaw dropped when I saw how much the walking foot is - and that's something I want to get. 
I have ordered the overlocker one although I discovered that the usual foot is fine for overlocking anyway.  Yes, this lovely machine does a perfectly acceptable form of overlocking, not just a zigzag, which will make life easier in the future.  Maybe I could have a go at a T shirt!

I then had a bit of a brainwave and went onto YouTube and yes, there are a number of instruction videos there, hooray!  I went through one of them and learnt several new things about the basic sewing functions.  Increasingly, I am realising that this machine may be old technology now but it is a seriously good bit of kit!  Thanks so much, Mum.

I needed to clear up a bit ready for tuition which was great; one of those sessions where I feel I made a difference.  I'm not saying my teaching is any better than school teaching, I know it isn't, but there's a big benefit to having that extra time to go over things, teach, practise, explain, listen (very important), ask the right questions to help the student to work it out and see them become independent, while being able to stop mistakes/misconceptions before they become ingrained.  An hour of one-to-one isn't an all-in solution, far from it, but there's no doubt that it can really help.

And my lovely cleaners came and worked their weekly magic, bless them.

All in all, a lovely day.

Today the machine is still out and I want to go through that tuition clip again, using the laptop beside the machine.  I have plenty of bits of fabric so might do some 'examples' of stuff with an attached note of the settings to get that stitch/effect.

Then I have ironing, the usual homey stuff and I'd like to go out for a walk.  I'm nearly out of cheese (perish the thought) so a walk round to Morrisons the long way round will get me some fresh air.

Have a lovely Saturday, whatever your plans.  xx


  1. The weather here still isn't great and, in fact, it's forecast to rain all day again. 😕
    I'll be doing 'homey stuff' too and I need to get the weekly shop in. It's not Lily's favourite thing to do but she does enjoy the scanning.
    I hope you manage to get your cheese and the shelves haven't been emptied due to panic buying. X

    1. < grin > well, if they're out of cheese, I have some nooch to use instead. Not ideal but you get the flavour!
      It might rain here later too, I haven't checked, but I'm appreciating the sun while we have it. I hope they are wrong and you at least stay dry.


  2. Love your skirt! Youtube is now my go to place to find out how anything works or for research. Somebody somewhere has done it before you! :-)

    1. Indeed they have, and filmed it too. I've learnt all sorts of things such as I was threading for both bobbin winding and stitching slightly wrong. Ooops.
      How DID we manage before YouTube, eh?

  3. I really like the style of skirt that you made.

    1. Thanks, Sue. I love the fabric as well as the style.

  4. YouTube is great if you need some instruction. I am there a lot learning and exercising. I love that skirt. It is very pretty, if simple. That's the best kind of sewing project.

    1. I've learned loads today; it's a great resource.

  5. Is blue your favourite colour? I like skirts with elasticated waist. They're much more comfortable to wear and so easy to make.

    One of the schools I used to teach in used some of their budget to pay for every year six child to have one-to-one with an additional teacher employed to address specific problems in either literacy or numeracy. The problem was identified by the child not the class teacher, unless the child couldn't decide, and every child had time with this extra teacher at least once a fortnight until SATS was completed. It made a tremendous difference to their confidence and improvements in understanding were noticeable. I believe the school carried on with this the next academic year.

    1. Yes, it is, how did you guess (ha ha)!
      That's a really good thing to do but must have made a huge dent in the budget!

  6. Love the really bright flowers on your header! The fabric for the skirt is really pretty. I must admit that I haven't worn a skirt for years lol.

    1. Thanks, Sharon! The garden is looking pretty at the moment.
      I'm looking forward to the warmer weather so I can wear the skirt. It's too chilly at the moment.

  7. That skirt is absolutely beautiful.

    1. Bless you, thanks very much. It's nice to be using up some fabrics I bought just because I loved them!

  8. The skirt material is so pretty! I am going to a fabric store with a friend this coming Tuesday to pick out a very EASY pattern to try to make a tunic top. As I am a newbie sewer it will be an adventure!! Wish me luck!

    1. I really do - and I hope you will love bother what you make and the process of making! Have a happy fabric hunt!

  9. Love the skirt Joy and how sensible to make an elasticated waist.

    1. When I was a lot bigger, that's all I wore - elasticated stuff. I think I'm just in the habit really but it is very comfortable.
      At some point I will take a deep breath and make a waistband and zip thingy with all the complications they bring with them.
