Saturday 28 March 2020


Good morning.

My thanks to Sue from A Smaller and Simpler Life for the tip about ordering the Radio Times online as a subscription.  I always get it if I can - it's a good read, there's quizzes to entertain, and keep your brain going and, of course, programme listings.  Also, it will be really nice to have something popping through the door each week.

Well, I did the PE with Joe again after Thursday's little cop out . . . or, as the subtitles have it, 'Pee with Joe' which really does put a whole new slant on the thing, doesn't it?  He probably shouldn't have done it yesterday as he had an operation on his hand (something broken, I think) later in the day and was 'nil by mouth' as they say.  The poor chap kept looking round for his non existent water bottle and by the end he seemed knackered, he really did.

I caught up with the Jamie Keep Cooking programmes.  There were three available and now I've set a series link so won't miss any.  OK, so his idea of store cupboard ingredients is maybe a bit more lavish than mine but that's a very personal thing and it's not hard to swap in other stuff.  Some really good ideas so good on ya, Jamie - and Joe - and all the other celebrities who are rising to the occasion and helping out in their own way.

After that I walked to Morrisons, gloves on and scarf around nose and mouth and feeling a bit foolish and rather over-heated but I wasn't the only one.  There was a queue, a long queue, but they let me in because I was just going to the pharmacy so ten minutes later I was walking home again, feeling all the better for the exercise and the fresh air.

The washing went out on the line, making me feel good as it billowed out in the breeze.  It was all white things which always look great and fill me with satisfaction.  I saved the ironing for today!

Beth and I had another video chat which was really lovely.  We've decided to do this every other day so the next one is Sunday.  It's very reassuring to actually see her and we chatted about all sorts of things.  I do wish Dad did this too, but he doesn't.  Never mind, can't be helped.

To my surprise and relief, the cleaners turned up, professionally garbed in gloves and masks.  I suppose they are counted as a support thing; I know they clean for quite a number of elderly people.  I sort of hoped they might as I hadn't heard they wouldn't but you never know at the moment.  Anyway, they washed hands and faces, gave me space to vanish upstairs and worked their usual magic before calling up that they were leaving.

Today has started early with a two o'clock wake.  I did try to get back to sleep but it eluded me so I'm downstairs at just before four.  I've done an inventory of the pull out unit in the kitchen and now all I have to do is the main part of the chest freezer.

I'm combining some of my 'somethings' - there were far too many.  I guess they are a work in progress until I'm totally happy with the headings.

Something energetic (inside and out):
No Joe today, it's not a school day so I'll stick with Lindsey's programme and maybe some salsacise
The front strip is showing a few weeds so I can rake over that and I want to move some strawberry plants that seem to have strayed along the bed rather too far.

Something social:
It's quite hard when you can't see anyone.  I do try to be really encouraging on our local SW fb group page and I'm in touch with family via email very regularly - must do an update today!

Something in the house:
An inventory of the pullout cupboard in the kitchen - already done.
Ironing and sorting out one of my bedroom cupboards
Having found an embarrassingly old pack of dried marrowfat peas, I'm in the middle of turning some of them into mushy peas.  When they're cool, I'll portion them out and freeze them.  They're great as a veg and in soups.

Something creative/relaxing:
Knitting.  I rarely sit down without doing some.
I'm loving The Crown and looking forward to watching a few more episodes today.

What are your lockdown plans for today?


  1. I thought I would make a quiche today and a pot of soup. I found enough frozen cherries and frozen homemade crumble topping last night to make a lovely cherry crumble for supper. I have sourdough bulk proving overnight and that needs to be shaped and put in the banneton for baking tomorrow. Usual household chores then practising You are my Sunshine with my Mum for Gareth Malones Great British Chorus project. Have a productive day.

    1. Good for you. It all sounds absolutely delicious, especially the cherry crumble. Mmmmmmm.

  2. Such a good drying day yesterday, mine was all stuff that doesn't need ironing which is good.

    1. It was brilliant, wasn't it? And it looks like today will be just as good. Lovely.

  3. Maybe your Dad would consider trying the video chat now there's no other way of you seeing each other?

    I too was up at silly o'clock after a bad night so it's going to be a long day! It's rather windy here and a bit of a grey day so I'm quite happy to stay inside and continue looking for new recipes.

    1. I don't think he has any form of web cam and he's as deaf as I (I inherited the family tendency) but I will ask.
      It was a long day, wasn't it?

  4. Hi did you know you can actually plant the dried peas in a bit of compost and then you will get pea shoots to put in salads, very tasty. Hesther

    1. No, I didn't, thanks for this . . .

  5. My friend has also just messaged me asking what I'm doing today. I have a houseplant to repot and some sweeping to do in the garden. I might even do some baking before getting out for my daily walk. X

    1. Suddenly, what everyone is doing be comes much more important as some aspects of our lives close down for a while. What did you bake?

  6. Just have to tell you how much I love your blog with all the great hints and tips as well. I too have tried Joe's workout but cannot get there yet- can do about half but its the star jumps that kill me . Before all this Covid 19 kicked in went into my small (and very expensive ) fabric shop to get some sewing cotton and they were giving out patterns for face mask which I have now made - not because its going to protect - its not, but it reminds others to keep 2 metres away and also helps not to touch my face ( I didn't realise how many times a day I touch my face) Keep well and safe

    1. They are killers, those star jumps, aren't they.
      Interesting, what you say about face masks. I was looking thoughtfully at my stash of fabric and wondering . . . but I think for now i will use my scarf. It's turned chilly again so not inappropriate at all.
      It's natural for us to touch our faces . . . so stopping is very hard indeed.

  7. You sound busy and productive. I took a long bike ride with my dog this morning. We just rode back and forth along our street, we are still allowed to walk our dogs in California. The exercise really helps with endorphins. You sound like you are getting lots of it, in different ways. I just watered the rhubarb and artichoke plants. They are surging in growth, which is encouraging. Stay well...

    1. Trying to stay busy but something I just slump. Yesterday (Saturday) was hard because I was so tired. I will keep working on it though. Positivity has to win!

  8. Happy book hunting, Laurie. Hoping you find some great literature.
