Thursday 12 March 2020


Good morning, everyone.  More sunshine!  This is great.

The sun was lovely yesterday and I took a few photos of my tiny little front patch.  I think it is at its best at this time of year.

I was motivated to start sorting out my sewing shelves in the cupboard and look what I found!  I'd moved it downstairs a couple of years ago (I think I mentioned it in here) and had forgotten about it but now I'm more or less at my forever size, there's nothing stopping me making and wearing a genuine vintage Clothkits skirt (and maybe top too although I'm not sure about the top really, I might make it a little girl's skirt instead.

I have another kit too, that I cut out decades ago and never got any further with.  It's cut out 10 to 12 so will be rather too small now, all the buttons and sylko, etc, have disappeared and I don't think I'd wear it anyway, but I'll think about it and see.

I have no idea how old either of them are but they have to be at least thirty five years old.

Today was going to be an adventure - a coach day trip to Bruges with Jackie.  However, given the current situation, the fact that both Jackie and I are in the vulnerable group for more than just the age reason and given that all my descendants (for want of a better term) are health compromised in one way or another, we're not going.  Very disappointing but others are coping with worse; a good friend may have to cancel a planned holiday to sunnier climes next week.  One just has to be sensible and that's what it feels like - being sensible.

However, we were determined not to mope and, as we both love Hyde Hall, that's where we're going today.  Driving there this morning, having a nice lunch there, looking at all the bulbs and other signs of spring, coming home again just before the rush hour after stocking up with summer bulbs and maybe a plant or two before we leave.
It should be much safer, out in the open air and not particularly crowded.  We will enjoy ourselves!

In the evening, just to finish off a lovely day, it's pottery!  I have some dishes to glaze, one to neaten off before its first firing and a few ideas to think about.

So we will not get to Bruges but we will have a good day, all the same ans the sun is shining.  Probably plenty of photos tomorrow!


  1. Sounds a lovely day, Joy. Have fun. xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. Looking forward to it very much. Hyde Hall is one of my favourite places.

  2. Disappointing to have to change your travel plans but you can look forward to a trip to Bruges another time when the current situation has passed. A day at Hyde Hall sounds lovely, looking forward to seeing some photos xx

    1. Definitely, Hazel, and I suspect we won't be the only one. We have two more coach trips planned in April but I'm expecting that they won't go ahead. We'll take a decision when the time comes.
      Last week, when I discussed this with Jackie, I thought it was the best decision, now I know it was. Things have moved on considerably in a week.
      Hyde Hall will be gorgeous with all the early spring flowers.

  3. Oh, good for you. I was thinking of going to our local nursery and doing the same thing. It's healthy to be out in the sunshine. I have been soaking in the energy of the garden. I will probably be canceling my trip in April, too. It's looking that way.

    1. I think one just has to be sensible. It's a shame to miss a trip but not a disaster and peace of mind is worth the payment.
      It's been a lovely trip out. Very blowy up the hill but energising!

  4. Hyde Hall sounds like a brilliant alternative. It's a shame about the cancelled coach trip but there will be other opportunities in the future.

    I'd found some coach trips to London, planning to see some shows but thankfully hadn't booked tickets so have put those plans on hold until the crisis is over.

  5. As my daughter said after having to cancel a long awaited cruise to the Caribbean `First World Problems`!

  6. I'm sorry you missed out on Bruges this time. A sensible decision, although you must be disappointed. X
