Wednesday 12 April 2017


Waking at 3:30 is the pits sometimes.  Since I started weeding the allotment, I'm so terribly tired come the evening that I'm in bed by eight and asleep soon after.  I get enough sleep, just not at the right time!

Oh, well, never mind.  Today is a quiet day with nothing planned until tuition.  Nothing external, that is.

Yesterday went well - loads of weeding in the morning and, in the afternoon, Beth and I worked together to get the arbour made.  All went well until the very last bit where one of the backing panels was too wide and needed sanding down.  Do I have sand paper?  Of course not.  So that rather halted proceedings, sadly.  It's usable, just not finished.  It'll be lovely though and, if it's warm enough, I might sit out there today with my book.

My hands are sore though - we didn't have an electric screwdriver so it was extremely hard work at times!

Today I have a kitchen to tide, clothes to wash, bread to make and tuition to plan.  Enough to keep me out of trouble without too much stress.  Quite nice, really.
I hope your day is good too.


  1. Joy you have my empathy I get enough sleep but not at the correct times - but I have given up trying and just sleep when I am tired. Perhaps we should dispense with clocks!!!

  2. That would work really well for us, wouldn't it. Just go by the natural light, . Sounds good to me.
    I hope you've caught up with your sleep after your journey and time away.
    J x
