Monday 10 April 2017


Good morning.
Goodness, wasn't it hot yesterday!  I almost turned on the fan at one point but come the evening it cooled off nicely.

I had a lovely time pottering in the garden at a snail's pace and got quite a lot done.  Some of the new planters are now planted and others are prepared.

 Carrots one side, radishes the other.  I intend to sow extra rows later.

Salad leaves in this one, again sown at intervals.

This is for a climbing courgette.  No, I hadn't heard of this either but it was the only packet of yellow courgette seeds I could find in the shops.  Obviously a popular colour.

And a very pretty hebe.  Hopefully it will be happy and grow nice and big in time.

As for existing plants . . .

The tayberry that refused to die, still showing signs on not being happy but recovering well now.

The bush that thinks it's a tree, number two.  I Longer term readers will remember I had one in one of the beds and it decided to emulate Jack and the beanstalk so had to go.  I'm hoping being in a container will keep this one a bit more subdued and now I know it flowers on second year growth, I can be careful not to chop too much off.  I gather you can eat or jam the berries!

Every year I tell myself I need to pot on the lily of the valley and every year I forget.  It's such a pretty flower but such a short season.

And looky look what I spotted!  Strawberry flowers.  Wow!

Today I need to pop to B&Q early to get some ericaceous (have I spelled that right?) stuff.  I'm having a go at blueberries in two containers (because I read you get a better crop if you have two) and it's an acid loving plant.  I can deal with the soil, I can get the right plant food but watering will be a problem.  I read that you can add vinegar to the tap water to make it more suitable so I am following up on that one.  Do any of my readers know anything about this?

Then it's off to the allotment again.  There's a lot of work still to do before we can be in any way relaxed about it but I am determined that this year we will get it all under control.

After that it is home for a rest and to deal with the one blueberry I already have.  I have ordered the other and I do hope I've made the right choice.  You see, I fell for one that produced pink berries which are supposed to be delicious.  Here's a picture from Google images.

I just hope I haven't made a mistake here.

Well, I had better go and sort myself out or I will be late and that would never do!  Have a lovely day!

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