Tuesday 18 April 2017


A very early good morning to you all!  Half past three is daft but there you go - if you're awake, you're awake!
I suspect that a number of my ex-colleagues will be in the same boat around here, today being the start of the summer term with the drive towards the SATs, both statutory and optional.  Some areas still have the rest of the week as their Easter holiday, of course.

It was a damp start yesterday but turned into a most pleasant day with plenty of sunshine.  After a very leisurely breakfast with lots of chat over coffee, I set off home, expecting some hold ups as I'd seen on the news earlier that the M11 was bumper to bumper gridlocked from Bishop's Stortford to Harlow.  I wasn't using the M11 but expected that the route I always take would be affected by extra traffic.  However, by the time I set out, it (whatever 'it' was) must have cleared because actually it was a very good journey.  Plenty of traffic, sure, but no hold-ups apart from the usual traffic lights in places like Little Hadham and Bishop's Stortford itself.

I was going to pop into Aldi's at BS but, as I approached, I could see that the car park was chokka and cars were queuing both to get in and out so I drove on past and will go to our own Aldi at eight this morning, hopefully timing it between the rush hour and the milk run.  I have my little list all ready and want to take advantage of the cheap, Easter veg - what's left of them, anyway.

When I got home, I unpacked and bunged some washing in.  I was able to dry it on the line which was good.  I admired Beth's craft work from the weekend and then investigated the seed situation and was delighted to see that most of the seeds I planted last week (or was it the week before) are germinating, including the tomato seeds I salvaged from the undefined tomatoes from Italy that a friend gave me.  Excellent.  Outside, the radishes and the 'salad leaves' are coming up although the carrots still have to make their appearance.  The blueberry is still alive and looks happy and the other plants are all smiling!

Come the evening I struggled to keep awake until about nine o'clock before giving up and going up.

Today, as already mentioned, it is early morning shopping before doing my stint at the allotment (bet the rain has brought the weeds up) and then waiting in again in case my card comes.  If it does, it's off into town to sort out with the bank what needs a refund and what doesn't.  There's also another load of washing to go in and then hang out (I hope) and some subsequent ironing.

There are some programmes I want to watch this evening and I bet there's a clash!  That's always the way, isn't it?  Like buses, they all come at the same time after days and days of mostly rubbish!

Well, I may as well make use of this early morning time.  I have that pile of washing that could go in, my washing machine being on an outside wall; I have bread to make for the weekend (I have guests) and I need coffee.
Have a good day, whatever you're doing.  I'm off to get my first hit of the day!  😊

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